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baby steps.

And no, this post has nothing to do with my baby:-)

This is about me.  And the BABY steps I've been taking towards a new "me."  And a whole bunch of rambling...bear with me.

Y'all have heard me talk about weight loss/diet/exercise way too much with ZERO results.  Blah, blah, blah. 

I'm not that vain of a person. (and I'm certainly not saying that all people who work out and eat healthy are vain...I'm just pointing out that I'm not, or at least I don't think I am). I don't obsess over my weight (maybe I should) but I don't.  I don't watch what I eat like I should.  I'm not constantly thinking about what this amazingly delicious chick fil a meal will do to my ass.  I'm just not.  I say this because I think most women (maybe not most, but a LOT) do/are.  They do watch what they eat, workout regularly, etc.  I'm not saying every woman does it ALL, but a lot of women care a LOT more than I do. I see this in blog posts of girls who get excited over having "dessert" that is a sugar free pudding or some crap.  That's discipline that I don't have.  I can gather this just from my group of close friends. I need more discipline in my life. I need to change that.  I need to care. 

So, here I am trying to change.  By taking baby steps.  I used to try and set these goals for myself and would never follow through because for my personality, they were just too much.  Now? I am taking it slow. 

The past TWO mornings Mikey and I woke up at 5:45 to work out!  Do, what?!?!?  I know, I know...not that big of a deal for some people...but HUGE for us.  I have not consistently worked out probably EVER in my post high school life.  I'd go in cycles where I would do good and then stop.  I mean one of my very best friends has probably worked out at least 4 days a week for the last 10 years.  Say, what?  Now, that's nuts to me.  But, I'm trying to change towards something close to that.  I want working out to become routine to me.  I want it to be something I WANT to do, not dread.  It is SO hard for me to do that though.  I didn't work out when I was pregnant, besides taking Milly for walks...and since giving birth OVER a year ago, I have worked out exactly 12 times, again excluding lots of walks...but those don't count (just don't want you to think I am that lazy!).  PATHETIC.  We also RAN twice last week and last night.  Y'all, this is by far the biggest deal to me.  I am NOT a runner.  AT ALL.  Hate it.  I never really played a sport that required high school we would have to run 1 mile before cheerleading practice and I can even remember HATING that and barely being able to do it.  And that was when I was in phenomenal shape.  I think "exercise shape" and "running shape" are so different.  Cardiovascularly it is so hard for me, not physically...which I totally get is because I don't ever do it and have ZERO endurance.  Again, working on that;-)  But, last week I ran a MILE and walked a mile.  So proud of myself (even if most people laugh at that, for's amazing!).  Then last night...we went to the dam (across beautiful Lake Murray) and I ran 1.5 miles...yay!!  I think that's probably the longest I've ever run without stopping in my life.  *Seriously*  Well, maybe on a treadmill, but that's not the same as pounding the pavement.  Anyways, I'm really trying hard to continue this routine of working out.  I so did NOT want to get out of bed this morning, but we did it and it felt SO, SO good.  Mikey helps the most in the mornings because he is MUCH more of a morning person than I:)

You know what else feels good?  Having TIME in the mornings! Ha! Who would have thought?  I've always known this, always thought about how nice it would be...but my bed ALWAYS won out.  I am NOT a morning person and I wait until the verylastminute to get out of bed.  Hell, I even do my make up in the car when we car pool.  Seriously, I give myself NO time in the mornings.  It has been nice having time to make the bed, start a load of laundry, not be rushed with breakfast, etc.  I know this will need to be my new normal one day anyways (when kids actually need lots of time in the morning for breakfast, finding shoes, homework, etc.)  Right now though, I wake C up at 7:30, get her dressed, give her a bottle and let her play for a few minutes and we are out the door at 7:45, easy peasy.  Anyways, I'm trying to do this at least FOUR times a week.  I think we deserve sleeping in ONE day, right? 

As far as food is concerned, I'm working on that too.  I can't do an all or nothing type just doesn't work for me.  I've slowly been cutting back on eating out, really working on packing my lunch every day, and eating healthier in general.  Mikey and I still eat out.  (It amazes me how many of my friends hardly ever eat out)  This is definitely one thing I wish we didn't do as much, but it's a HARD habit to break.  I mean....$5 Moe's Mondays?  No prep work/cooking/clean up?  It's so tempting and we normally cave.  But, again...we are working on it.  The easiest thing I am doing is drinking LOTS more water.  There would be some days where I probably only drank a sip or two of water at night.  That's awful.  I don't drink a ton unless I make myself drink water.  I'm seriously chugging the stuff (and peeing every 10 minutes) now.  One of my main problems is sweets.   Y'all would probably die if you knew the amount of sweets I eat.  Fo' real, it's nuts.  I am really working on it.  It majorly started when I got pregnant and I have had a hard time of breaking the habit.  Subway chocolate chip cookies are my weakness.  I travel so much for work and it is way to easy to stop and get a DC and a sweet/snack...MUST STOP THIS.  Blah...anyways, like I said it is all a work in progress

I truly envy people who have strict discipline and dedication to working out/eating healthy.  It is one thing that Mikey nor I are good at.  I never desire to be someone who won't ever touch a french fry or a piece of cake (life is way too short for that!) but I majorly need to limit my intake. 

So, here's to baby steps!!  Baby steps towards a new me. 

A beautiful sunset over the dam last night during our run/walk.  It was so gorgeous, how could I not enjoy running in that? ha!

Happy Wednesday!



  1. It's like you are in my head! Same exact issues. I miss the days of dance and cheer when I didn't have to think about working out! It just happened! Ugh.

  2. Way to go, Caro! Running for me definitely came later in life, and you'll be surprised at how you'll build your mileage in no time. It's a great stress reliever :). Maybe have a goal of a 5K in mind in the future? It will keep you motivated and accountable. And you picked the perfect time of year to start!


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