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When I wish I had a 1000 followers....

Every once in a while, I wish my blog had a LARGE following so I could get feedback. I'm not one of these that likes to take my questions to facebook and it can be hard/time consuming to get a bunch of different opinions on something. Sometimes, I just wish I could publish a post and have 50 different opinions/advice on a topic. But, yeah...that's not going to happen and really I'm okay with it. I mean, who really wants to look at a million pictures of my child every day? Besides me, of course! I know I can do research, but sometimes you feel like you know your readers, and some of you I really do know...and trust their opinions.

Take this seat for example. Is it safe? Would y'all use it?

Some reviews say they are dangerous...I don't know?? I would never leave her unattended, so does it really matter?  Collins doesn't really like to sit in the tub right now..she is constantly up and down, wanting to pull up on the side and it is so dangerous and I am constantly having to hold her and put her back down.  She thinks it is so fun...right now we use one of those Fisher Price bathtub things...she will sit for a bit and play but mostly right now she would rather stand.  And that's not really easy in a slippery bath tub for a wee little one who is uneasy on her feet.

Something else I am pondering...formula brands.  Someone told me recently that store brands were the same as Similac, etc.  I buy store brand in so many things (especially Target and Publix) but for some reason I always thought store brand formula wouldn't compare and wouldn't be "good" enough for us.  Is that crazy? Or am I crazy for considering store brand? Hell, in fact the makers of Enfamil had to pay millions of dollars for an ad claiming that store brands weren't clinically proven like we know that is false.  I started doing some research and it seems as if they are almost identical, take this chart for instance.....

Compare Nutritional Information

  Parent's Choice
Similac® Advance® EarlyShield® *
Nutrients/100 Cal.
Protein g 2.07 2.07
Fat g 5.6 5.60
Carbohydrate g 10.71 10.71
Water g 133 133
Linoleic Acid mg 860 1000
Vitamin A IU 300 300
Vitamin D IU 60 60
Vitamin E IU 1.5 1.5
Vitamin K mcg 8 8
Vitamin B1 mcg 100 100
Vitamin B2 mcg 150 150
Vitamin B6 mcg 60 60
Vitamin B12 mcg 0.25 0.25
Niacin mcg 1050 1050
Folic Acid mcg 15 15
Pantothenic Acid mcg 450 450
Biotin mcg 4.4 4.4
Vitamin C mg 9 9
Choline mg 16 16
Inositol mg 4.7 4.7
Calcium mg 78 78
Phosphorus mg 42 42
Magnesium mg 6 6
Iron mg 1.8 1.8
Zinc mg 0.75 0.75
Manganese mcg 5 5
Copper mcg 90 90
Iodine mcg 6 6
Selenium mcg 1.8 1.8
Sodium mg 24 24
Potassium mg 105 105
Chloride mg 65 65

We currently use Similac...I bolded and underlined the ONLY difference that I can see.  Is that worth the huge amount of money that they differ?  I doubt it.  I kinda feel like at this point, C would be fine getting "store brand" formula.  I am still breastfeeding her twice a day for crying out loud!  She's still getting the best nutrients available from me twice a switching formulas for her other two feedings has to be okay, right?

I also need ideas on food to give Collins.  Like I've said before...Mikey and I tend to eat pretty simple/ I'm not much for creativity in the kitchen.  I need ideas!  I guess that's where my friend Pinterest comes in handy....



  1. Just saw this post in blog roll and saw the little seat and thought "hey Cade has one of those!" We got it from a friend who used it for her two girls (actually it's the blue seat, not pink thank gosh or Chad may have said no way) and he LOVES to sit in it in the bath tub and it makes him stay put. I think it's kinda same thing as Bumbo...not safe if you leave the child in it unattended or whatever, ya know. Cade even reaches and stretches over it for toys and because it's latched in front, it has never opened up and then because of suction at bottom it stays put and doesn't tip over. I don't know what we would do without it because the kid is into everything and certainly wouldn't be still long enough to bathe! HA!

    Oh and I will say I was the FIRST to switch over from Similac to Target brand but it messed his tummy up so bad (which my sis in law said for her boys it just lasted a few days then they got use to it) but Cade's was messed up for like a week and a half then he got sick with that fever virus and I just have been back on Similac ever since. I gave up. He's on Similac Sensative though and has had tummy issues since born so I think it depends on the baby. Maybe it will work for Miss Collins! It certainly is worth it if she can switch. The price difference is out of this world. Crazy. Only few more months and they won't even need bottles/formula. Then it will be as if we got a raise! BAHAHA

    Ok, since I've written a book hope you are having a great Halloween and i LOVED Collins costume :) cutest thing ever!

  2. Yay!! Thanks for commenting, Sandi. See...I like how this works. Someone I know and trust...I'll definitely be getting one of those seats now. AND I'm switching to store brand...C has never had any gas/reflux type issues so I don't think that will be a problem. And thanks for the costume love, although I can't take the credit...Pinterest for the win!

  3. Several people recommended the BJ's brand formula to us! We could get 45oz for $20! Wills loved it and had no issues with it! He didn't really have a sensitive tummy. I know Columbia doesn't have a BJ's but Sams club also has something comparable. You are exactly right-- the main reason similac and enfamil are so expensive is because they have to pay for all that marketing and free samples somehow! ;)

  4. When I switched Cole from Similac to generic I did 3 scoops brand to 1 scoop generic and increased the generic by a scoop every 3 to 4 days, he didn't have any problems. Good luck!


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