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my boys

To My wild, crazy, sweet, funny, busy baby boys. You two boys keep me on my toes like no other, but you can make my heart melt in a matter of seconds as well.  I can’t even get over how much y’all have grown and how big you are getting, it really makes me want to cry.  It’s been a while since I’ve updated on you two crazies…so I figured I needed to jot some things down for my memory….here we go:)


Thomas:  Your giggle lights up a room, little boy.  Your smile is absolutely infectious and you make me laugh constantly.  You are SO full of life, at all times ;-)  You are NON stop go-go-go, and you are not afraid of anything!  You climb on tables and chairs all the live long day, you LOVE water and are the only baby I’ve ever seen who will lie on their back in the bath tub almost fully submerged in water!  You have NO fear and that gives me anxiety a LOT…but I know I just have to let you fly, baby boy.  You “cut your eyes” whenever anyone asks and it is HILARIOUS…and immediately after you crack up about it.  You are still a good eater, although a messy one as you prefer your fingers to a utensil!  You are talking up a storm and constantly ask “why” in the sweetest voice ever.  You have turned into more of a lover lately and I can’t get enough.  You give the BEST hugs and kisses and although you are still a daddy’s boy through and through you have been wanting your mama a lot more lately, which is music to my ears.  As you look a LOT like your Granddaddy Richardson, your personality also takes after his!  You don’t like being told no, and pitch quite the fit when taken away from doing something you love…especially when it’s time to come inside after playing outdoors.  Playing outside is probably your favorite…especially when you get to ride in sister’s jeep!  You love to try and jump, play with balls, and read books.  You are still obsessed with “Disney” aka Mickey Mouse…and yelling “ohhhhh toodles” always makes you smile.  YOU my sweet boy, are perfect, and I love you with all of my heart.


Graham:  Your shy smile makes my heart melt.  You’ll rub your little eyes when being shy and give me the sweetest little grin/smirk and it is absolutely precious.  You are definitely the more cautious one…  but after scoping out the situation you eventually join in on Thomas’ antics!  You love playing with small toys and putting together blocks and racing your cars down the racetrack.  You are more likely to stick close to mama when out and about and you LOVE to point at everything you see.  Although you are still my snuggle bug and a mama’s boy…you went through a little stage (I think we are about over) where you whined a LOT recently!  Who knows what caused that but I’m so glad to have my sweet boy back.  You absolutely LOVE your sissy and sometimes prefer to hold her hand over mine.  You are slowly relying on your paci less and less (praise lord!) and love to put it in your crib each morning to stay for the day!  You LOVE giving kisses although sometimes we have to beg them out of you.  But, my heavens…when you give them, they are the sweetest!  You are still my picky eater, but love a utensil…funny how that works, huh?  You are talking more and more every day and recently started putting words together, with the cutest being “woah mama.”  You do still have this fake whine you do… and it’s like you know it’s fake, but you do it anyways.  I think just so I’ll pick you up and hold you;-)  You love Disney as well and put your sweet little hands on your cheeks and yell “oohhhhh toodles!”  YOU, my sweet boy are perfect, and I love you with all of my heart.

You boys have started playing together and fighting over toys more and more.  The bad comes with the good, I guess. Y’all will share food at dinner and it’s so cute.  And I love to watch y’all play and laugh with each other, although within minutes I’m guaranteed to be in there taking a toy away that both of you wants.  Y’all are in 18 mo and 24 mo clothing…size 4 diapers and love to brush your teeth every night!  You both are still amazing sleepers and sleep from 8:30 pm to 7:30 am every night with a 2-3 hour nap each day.  I think I am going to have to take a babysitter on the boat with us this summer though,  you boys do NOT want to sit still and mama needs help!  If I look away for one second y’all are either trying to climb off the boat or throwing something out of it!  CRAZY boys!   I can’t imagine our life without both of you in it, y’all make our family so fun and crazy, but most importantly you make our hearts FULL. 







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