happened. I knew all along it would, it was just a gut feeling. My 34 week appointment was GREAT….I was still the “poster child” for twin pregnancy according to my doctor. Not really, he’s just extremely enthusiastic and is good about making his patients feel good about themselves:-) My 34 week appointment was Thursday June 19; again….everything still rolling right along. On that Sunday I got sick…. And started taking Tylenol cold on Monday (the options for pregnant women are pretty low). Anyways, I worked just a half day Monday because I was just feeling crummy….worked all day Tuesday and then was due back at the doctorWednesday morning for my 35 week appointment. He had bumped me up to start coming weekly at this point. So,Wednesday morning rolls around and ….. WOMP WOMP, my blood pressure was elevated for the first time. It was elevated twice when the nurses took it, and then after I laid on my side a minute and they took it again, it was fine. We did some Non Stress Tests on the babies that day and they looked great! The doctor was hopeful that my BP was elevated due to the Tylenol cold I had been taking….the decongestant part of the medicine can cause your BP to rise. Anyways, he wanted me to come back Friday to check again to be sure……..
And, sure enough…… was still elevated Friday:-(. Major sads. I think for me the NOT KNOWING of what causes some women to get high BP is what frustrates me the most. There is no rhyme or reason to it, any doctor I’ve ever asked about it just kind of waves it off because they say there is really nothing you can do and no one knows why it happens to some and not others. I’m not swelling that much (sure my cankles get a little big at night, but it’s 100 degrees here right now and that’s bound to happen after being on my feet all day…) but no major swelling, no major weight gain, nothing they can pinpoint… which seriously frustrates me. But, anyways….nothing I can do about it. I also had a trace of protein in my urine which means I am already preeclamptic. BOO. This is exactly what happened during my first pregnancy. I also had a biophysical profile done on the babies on Friday…and they scored perfect, so that was a relief. The BPP measures heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing and fluid. So……….where does that leave us?
DAY BY DAY, or appointment to appointment rather….a waiting/monitoring game if you will. We go back tomorrow for our 36 week appointment and another ultrasound. I’m not really sure what to expect. It will all depend on blood pressure and level of protein in urine. At this point….as long as I can get to 36 weeks (which is Thursday) I’ll be okay. (36 is average delivery of twins). Who knows…it’s all very day by day. If nothing major happens tomorrow I’ll go back for ANOTHER check up this week Friday to check BP again….this is gonna get tiring!
So, we shall see. Prayers appreciated….
Good luck!!