We FROZE our hineys off Friday night as we watched our GAMECOCKS beat the TIGERS at HOME, it was AWESOME. We LOVE baseball season….baseball is much more relaxed than football for me and I don’t mind if we have to leave a game early since tickets aren’t nearly as pricey. Collins went with us and did SO GREAT. She sat at the game with us for THREE hours and had a blast. I had her decked out in four layers…and we had tons of blankets to keep us warm. I think she was probably the least cold out of all of us though b/c she kept on moving around so much. We didn’t even have to take her to the playground at the stadium…she sat in my mom’s lap about half the game and the rest bounced around and walked in front of us. I was shocked. We ended up leaving at 10…it was a LONG game, and still had two innings, but we were cold. I am SO proud of my Gamecocks for SWEEPING the Tigers this year, feels OH SO GOOD.
We had NO plans on Saturday. NONE. We slept late, love that my little booger will sleep till 9:15 when she is up late the night before. We played, enjoyed the sunshine, and watched more Gamecock baseball (at home) while C took a three hour nap. Mikey enlisted some help and went and got Collins’ outdoor play set we bought for her birthday. We bought one from a neighbor who is moving (those things are EXPENSIVE!) but it is still in great shape and perfect for what we want. We went on a walk after the baseball game, then to the grocery store…. (at 6:30 on a Saturday night, we are so WILD, I tell ya!) and then Mikey and I watched Downton Abbey for a few hours when Collins went to bed. It was a good day;)
We slept late again Sunday….I guess C was still catching up from Friday night….gosh I am going to be IN FOR IT when the twins come….sleeping till 9 on the weekends is HEAVEN. Then it was time for church. It was BEAUTIFUL outside…we took Collins to my parents’ house after church b/c Mikey and I were attending a benefit for one of our good friend’s dad who has been diagnosed with brain cancer, cancer BLOWS by the way. But, the benefit was a HUGE success and it was a GORGEOUS day for everyone to be outside. We grilled out with my parentsSunday night and listened to the GAMECOCKS beat the TIGERS one last time while sitting outside…it was so nice. A little more Downton Abbey ended our weekend quite nicely.
I just started watching Downton Abbey for the first time last week. It took a few episodes for me to get into it, but I'm starting to really enjoy it!