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A whole year AND a half.



I know, I know…I say this ALL the time, but it really can’t be said enough.  TIME FLIES and I HATE it.  I am absolutely savoring EVERY second possible of “baby” with my baby, but gee golly…she’s just growing up too fast.  TOO FAST.  I just want to record/photograph/capture EVERY single moment because I’m scared I won’t remember it.  Of course, that’s not possible…but I try.  Just this morning, as I was drying my hair and she was lying on my bed watching a few minutes of morning cartoons and drinking her milk…she all of a sudden turned to me with the biggest grin and started waving.  MELT MY HEART.  I immediately had to run over to her and cover her in kisses.  She couldn’t be any cuter if she tried.  (Please remember that I am her mama and I’m allowed to say that, right??  I may or may not be a TAD biased) But, really…all in that fleeting moment, I sat there and thought…my gosh, my baby isn’t a baby anymore.  She’s well into “toddlerhood” and I just don’t like it.  If I could freeze time I would, dang it. 


Little miss is so fun these days.  Sure, she’s a toddler and with that comes the occasional “pout” or “stubborn cry” or “fake cry” or “baby tantrum” (we definitely haven’t experienced a full on tantrum yet…but most of all she is pure sweetness.  Constantly grinning and bursting out laughing.  Her full on belly laugh is music to my ears.  She still thinks “peek a boo” is the best game ever.  She still LOVES her lovie and her thumb, her cozy coupe, being outside, sleeping, (praise Lord!), eating (especially sweets), and the water.  (beach, pool or lake).  When you ask for “love” or “kiss” she just leans in and puts her forehead on your head…so sweet.  I’m trying to teach her to use her lips for kisses…but for now it melts me. She still gets pretty overwhelmed in big crowds and only wants me or daddy.   She has discovered shoes in a whole new way recently, and is constantly putting mine on and attempting to walk around.  She LOVES to dance and I have plenty of dance videos on my phone to prove it.  Even during a car ride, if a good beat comes on, she starts bouncing.  She’s trying to learn to snap, loves to clap and LOVES to squeal with delight.  You can blame me for that one, but it is TOO CUTE!


Little C still doesn’t have a ton of words, but she “talks” non-stop.  I’m really NOT worried because she can do anything I ask her and can point out body parts/animals in the tub, etc.  It’ll come soon enough.  She calls me (and Mikey) mama… says Mi-y (Milly), bye bye, no, dog, duck, woah, and the occasional “go cocks”.  She has attempted several other words, but these are the ones she says on a normal basis.  She’s NOT a child who will repeat anything you ask, or do something when you ask… like “Collins, where’s your nose?”  She’ll look at me and go “no.”  (in the sweetest little voice ever).  But, when I catch her off guard, she will point straight to it…her favorite body part to point out is her belly.  Lifts up her shirt/dress and everything!!  Ms. Weezie has constantly said she is going to be a child who does things WHEN SHE wants to do them…and this is proving true time and time again.  (OH HEAVENS, what are we in for!?!)


She runs around as fast as her short little chubby legs will take her, she’s finally mastered getting on the couch by herself, she’s been sliding right off, but finally can get ON too…again, we are in for it.  Her new favorite thing to do is run around the (new) sectional…we went ahead and moved the coffee table out of the way for now.  As we discovered at the beach, she LOVES to push things now almost more than go for a ride.  She pushed her wagon around on the beach for hours. She’s constantly pushing something around the house. 


She’s in mostly 12-18 mo clothes….size 3 diapers are being finished up and size 4’s are being used at Weezie’s.  LOTS of teeth now, almost all of them.  LOTS of hair, that is starting to curl!  Brown hair and curly hair?? WHO is this child?!?  Size three in shoes. 



Weekday: wakes up around 7:30/weekends: sometimes 8, sometimes 9:30J

Still taking two naps a day

Bedtime around 8-8:30 on normal/week day nights


LOVES: yogurt, bananas, oranges, applesauce, peanut butter, ham, bread, goldfish

At her 18 mo check up:



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