Every once in a while, I wish my blog had a LARGE following so I could get feedback. I'm not one of these that likes to take my questions to facebook and it can be hard/time consuming to get a bunch of different opinions on something. Sometimes, I just wish I could publish a post and have 50 different opinions/advice on a topic. But, yeah...that's not going to happen and really I'm okay with it. I mean, who really wants to look at a million pictures of my child every day? Besides me, of course! I know I can do research, but sometimes you feel like you know your readers, and some of you I really do know...and trust their opinions. Take this seat for example. Is it safe? Would y'all use it? Some reviews say they are dangerous...I don't know?? I would never leave her unattended, so does it really matter? Collins doesn't really like to sit in the tub right now..she is constantly up and down, wanting to pull up on the side and it is so dangerous and I...