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The forgotten holiday.


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It makes me sad how it is being pushed under the rug more and more as years go by. Thanksgiving is the ONE day a year…we, as Americans stop and give THANKS. I know most of us give thanks every day, as we should, for our blessings; but Thanksgiving Day goes the extra step. It is a whole DAY devoted to giving thanks for our wonderful blessings in life. It’s a day to slow down, relax, enjoy being surrounded by love ones, and EAT. What’s more perfect than that?

I don’t care if people want to start putting out Christmas decorations in their own homes before Thanksgiving or start Christmas shopping, listening to Christmas music, etc. What I do care about though is when the retailers/media start to “skip” Thanksgiving. It drives me bonkers. This black Friday madness is INSANE and has been…but now for some retailers to start opening ON Thanksgiving day….ridiculous. I understand that for some people…saving a few hundred dollars on necessities (refrigerators, washers and dryers) or toys for their kids is extremely important, but I just HATE how it means spending your whole day Thanksgiving in line to do it. What about Thanksgiving as a holiday? I would never EVER go wait in a line ALL day long on such a special holiday. But, that’s just me.

I saw a sign that Nordstrom supposedly put up via facebook and I loved it: it read, “We won’t be decking our halls until November 27, because we like to celebrate one holiday at a time.” LOVE LOVE LOVE. Hope this is true. I understand it’s all about supply and demand, but if all retailers just made a pact that no ONE would open on Thanksgiving Day or not even until at least 5 am on Black Friday it would make me so much happier. Yeah…I know, it’s not up to me….but if I ruled the world.

Anyways…I do LOVE Christmas, love it. I love to have my tree up, love to sing to Christmas music, LOVE to decorate; but I always wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start. For me, it’s just a mind thing. I don’t want to start celebrating Christmas until I have celebrated Thanksgiving. Gahhh…can’t we give each holiday the respect it deserves? Ha!

I'm off tonight to the annual "dressing" party. It is TOO much fun. Some of my mom's friends started this many years ago, two ladies came together who both had AMAZING dressing recipes (passed down generations) and now about 30 women gather together to prepare dressing before Thanksgiving. There is lots of fun, food, wine, this special night and so glad I get to be a part of it.

Looking forward to a yummmmy feast on Wednesday night AND Thursday:)

Hey.... I am eating for two, right?!? Ha!! I'm trying NOT to do that.


  1. I agree. I am so mad that huge retailers are opening up on THANKSGIVING DAY! Good grief people. Keep it to black FRIDAY, not THURSDAY. Maybe it will create a back-lash and make people appreciate their local small businesses and stores who will never ...and i repeat open on Thanksgiving Day. {well, I speak for Sugar} I need time with family :) I think we all do! Happy Thanksgiving to you and baby girl!


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