To my girl,
I cannot even believe I have a beautiful SEVEN year old- you've been way too excited to grow up lately and it makes my mama heart hurt just a smidge. As much as I LOVE watching you grow, it pains me to see it all happen so fast. You continue to make your daddy and me so proud every day. You are such a hard worker in all things - school, dance, art, you name it. You are so focused and intent on learning and I just love watching your love of learning. You are constantly writing daddy and me sweet little notes, you love to write in journals and have gotten into bracelet making/art kits a ton! You are extremely well behaved OUTSIDE of the house (hint hint... can we work on that?!)... but seriously, all of your teachers talk about how sweet and respectful you are and what a wonderful LISTENER you are- somehow that doesn't always transfer to the house and being a good listener for mama and daddy, but we still love you no matter what. You are extremely sensitive and have become quite attached to mama the past 6 months (I'm not complaining!). You get anxious about some things and only want mama when that happens, but we are working thru it! Your brothers are definitely starting to get on your nerves more the older you get, but you are still so sweet with them and play with them for the most part.
I'm loving watching your love of dance develop, who knows where that will go and how long it will last- but I sure enjoy seeing you get so excited about it! You are also quite the little artist and enjoy drawing. You got roller skates from Santa and have loved learning how to skate, you've become quite good and impressed us all at your birthday party!
There's not enough words or time for me to ever adequately tell you how much I love you, you are our baby girl and we are forever grateful that God chose us to be YOUR mama and daddy. We love you SO big and are so proud of you always, Happy big number SEVEN, sweet girl!
From baby to beauty in the blink of an eye!
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