We are a week into having a KINDERGARTENER and I just wanted to document a little bit about it so far. First off, Collins absolutely LOVES school. (don’t most 5 year olds though?!) She seems to be adjusting wonderfully and handling the longer day and earlier mornings like a champ. But, let me tell you….this change in schedule has been tough for us. My kids have always had a bedtime of “ around 8:30 ”… I like a schedule, but I also like flexibility. That seems contradictory, huh? I am a firm believer in providing structure/schedule especially when they are babies and establishing a night time routine…but in my experience once you do that….my kids have always been able to adapt to staying up later some nights, or whatever is thrown at them. So, with Collins going to preschool (half day) the past three years…yes, our bedtime has been around 8:30 and she would sleep until 7-7:30 and we’d be out...