We kicked off the weekend with a girls date…my mom and I took Collins to see the “big girls” dance at the concert on Friday night…she LOVED it. Our dance studio does a concert and a recital, the recital is for recreational classes and the concert is for their performance and competition teams…it was amazing! We spent Saturday morning being busy bees getting packed and ready to head straight to Beaufort after Collins’ dance recital. We met up with my parents and Mikey’s mom for lunch before the recital so we could get on the road as soon as it was done. We were SO proud of our girl at her second dance recital, she was in three dances and did SO good! She kept saying over and over “and mama I wasn’t even shy!” She’s made such progress in the past year with her shyness…she was a leader on stage and was so proud of herself! I just love watching her get excited over something! After the recital we booked it to Beaufort…even th...