5 months.
I continue to be amazed at how well my little nuggets are doing. This is not to say they are perfect babies and we don’t have CRAZY nights sometimes…but I will say that going from ONE to THREE hasn’t been nearly as hard as I thought it would. Sure, things are nuts around our house some nights and it sure takes a lot longer to go do anything/get ready in the morning/etc. BUT, these boys are pretty darn good. They both have nights where they need to be held or just fuss for about 30 minutes for no reason…but I can deal with that. When we are out and about at night, they are usually perfect! Crazy how that works. They are generally pretty content during the day. I am so proud of themJ
Our current routine:
Wake: anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30. Most mornings I nurse them right at 7, but sometimes (especially on weekends) it’s not till 7:30. Graham is generally awake by6:30, but I will just get him up when he wakes and put him back down in the rock and play with his paci and he goes right back to sleep. Thomas normally sleeps straight thru till 7 or 7:30. And they both are still sleeping in their cribs and do not require a paci to go to sleep at night! Woohoo!
On weekends, we will play with them for a bit after that morning nursing session and then put them right back in a bouncy seat/swing to snooze some more. On weekdays, they will generally lounge on the bed after nursing while we all get ready. Sometimes they’ll fall back asleep for a bit or fall asleep in the car on the way to Weezie’s.
They are still eating every three hours during the day: 5 oz. if bottle. During morning/early afternoon they generally just follow the “awake 90 minutes/sleep 90 minutes routine babies do”….for the most part…or at least cat nap on and off. But, we have finally started them on a good afternoon nap schedule. Mikey was off the WHOLE week of Thanksgiving so we began swaddling them and putting them down for an afternoon nap in their cribs in between their 1 and 4:00 feedings. They have done so great with it! I even had to wake them up on SundayJ Weezie and I have been talking and we will start trying to get in a routine of doing a morning nap like that too, and eventually get them to where they are taking good naps in a crib twice a day.
Weekday nights are a bit crazy around our casa, depending on what we have going on. But, generally I will nurse them around6:30 and 8:30 and put them to bed by 9. They have been doing really well with this schedule…for preemies…who developmentally are still “technically” four months…I think the fact that they have been sleeping straight from 9-6/7 for the past month is terrific!
They are now both in size 2 diapers….and mostly 3 month clothing. They can both still wear a lot of their newborn gowns…but in footed sleepers need 3 month and Thomas is really outgrowing those. They are constantly smiling these days…they love to giggle and they LOVE getting attention from us. Both boys are finally starting to really lift their heads on tummy time (mini push-ups) and putting lots of weight on their legs. Thomas has now rolled over a couple times too! Go T go! I can’t believe how fast they are growing! They make my heart explode. I should also note for my records that big sister continues to be OBSESSED with them. She is seriously SO sweet to them, constantly covering them in kisses and making them laugh. My favorite is if one is crying she says “it’s okay buddy, mama gonna feed you.” ;-)
And now for a few pics:
HOW CUTE are those pictures!!!! LOVE!!! Happy 5 months, babies!