Me oh my! I can't believe my little babies are now THREE months old! Three months brought one very huge new thing...mama went back to work sept 29.
Month three brought on huge SMILES! G and T give me those big, gummy grins now and it melts my heart. Both are now in size 1 diapers, G can still rock newborn clothes and Thomas can wear 0-3 and 3 month. They really are pretty good little babies:-) There are definitely times when both are crying/screaming or sometimes between the hours of 5-7 we have to hold them... But I feel like that's pretty par for the course with infants. They are sleeping great!! Not quite as good as big sister was at this point, but they are smaller than her and I'm not sure they should go that long without food yet. I typically nurse them for the last time each night somewhere around 10/10:30 and the past week they have consistently been sleeping 8 hours at night. (Sometimes closer to 9!) I will slowly start putting them to bed earlier and earlier, i do it gradually.... Where hopefully they will soon be sleeping from 8 pm to about 7 am. We aren't too far from that! We still do our routine every night of bath, nurse, swaddle and white noise. I also put them to bed awake so they know how to fall asleep on their own. So proud of my little guys!
They are nursing or getting breastmilk from a bottle (now that they are at daycare) every three hours. (I'm pumping and hope to be able to keep my supply up enough to produce enough for both! But if not, we will supplement with formula.) In between feedings they play/we try to stimulate them and do tummy time for about 30 minutes after eating before they nap. Thomas is a much better napper than graham during the day but at night graham sleeps more Between the hours of 8-10 pm. Silly little fellas:-)
Collins still absolutely adores her little brothers. These kids are my world and I'm so thankful to God for making me their mama!!
*edited to add: I first wrote this post in their three month birthday... Well I'm just now posting it a week later, of course. But wanted to note that now the boys are sleeping NINE hours a night for the past week... Going from 10-7. So proud. :-)
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