So, yeah. We are MOVING. Holy, NUTS. Was our house on the market? NOPE. Was this even a thought in the back of our heads a week and a half ago? NOPE. Yeah, it all happened that fast. So, let me explain. Basically, what started as a joke with a good friend of ours who is a realtor turned into an offer on our house that we couldn’t refuse. Cue, panic. There were lots of tears shed and lots of prayers sent up in the 48 hours it took us to make our decision, but in the end it’s the smartest move for us financially at this time in our lives. This move is going to allow us to pay off a large amount of my student loans from law school, which if any of you have student loans, you know what a blessing that is. We will be able to BREATHE much easier over the coming years and with TWINS on the way, it would have been just plain DUMB not to take this opportunity to do just that. It’s still very...