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:the state of my toddler:

C bug will be TWENTY months old on the 17th.  *sniff sniff* I just wanted to document some of her antics lately.  MY LORDY MERCY…toddlers are interesting little people.  Collins can be fake crying (yes, there is a LOT of fake crying that goes on in toddler world) one minute and squealing with excitement the very next.  The emotions can change ON A DIME.  We stopped by my mom’s last night to pick something up and she cried when it was time to go because she didn’t want to leave ….then mom played peek a boo with her and she belly laughed, then she cried because her lovie fell down while mom was buckling her car seat…so another round of peek a boo was had and she was full of glee yet again.  My mom looked at me and said “she’s quite emotional, isn’t she?”  HA! If that isn’t the understatement of the year….

In all seriousness, the crying NEVER last more than a few seconds (unless she’s hurt or something)…it’s just too funny to watch the different phases toddlers go thru in a matter of minutes.  Collins has started kicking/screaming/throwing a fit when I leave her at Weezie’s now (which totally rips my heart out…but I know it’s just a phase)…like little girl gets violent, but it’s over within a matter of a minute and she’s back to her sweet self.  She can be tugging on my leg at night whining one second and the next I’ve refocused her attention on the slide or her baby and she’s happy as a lark. 

She’s been very clingy with me lately…and if we are somewhere she’s not as familiar with she gets a little whiny/wants to be held.  BUT, when we had people over to OUR house the other night, she was GREAT…didn’t whine for me once and played all night long.  HAVE I MENTIONED WHAT FUNNY LITTLE CREATURES TODDLERS ARE?!?  

She just recently, in the past month, has started calling us “mommy” and “daddy” (as opposed to mama, dada) and will say it like a million times in a row.  Especially if she wants you to take something out of her hands.  Her little voice absolutely MELTS me though. 

She’s become attached to her baby dolls recently, and we take one to Weezie’s now every day.  She feeds baby, diapers baby, gives baby meme (paci…that’s the word Weezie uses…we don’t because C doesn’t take one).  She still LOVES to be outside and will more than likely pitch a fit when it’s time to come in.  She’s quite mischievous and I feel like she’s constantly trying to see what she can get away with.  LORD HELP US.  She LOVES to push things around…I’m trying to figure out a way to incorporate that into her Halloween costume, but we still haven’t decided on anything.  She LOVES her slide, her cozy coupe, ride along toys, and grocery cart that she pushes around.  She also LOVES LOVES LOVES to dance.  A jingle from a commercial, a song, a show…anything that has a beat, she’ll start swaying and clapping her hands…she has also learned to “shake her booty” and it is quite possibly the cutest thing I have EVER witnessed in my life.  (Yes, I am allowed to be biased)  She has started mimicking the dance moves on the Wiggles…and she gets it.  She’ll turn around and rock her baby just like they do…so adorable. 

C bug is still more often than not a sweet girl and well behaved.  (for the most part).  She’s maternal and loving, vivacious, wild, and happy, giggling constantly and loves to give love to everyone (especially any babies she’s around).  So, yes…although she is a TODDLER and has some crazy ups and downs…they don’t last long and generally she’s my sweet angel baby.  Generally;-)

C is still the BEST sleeper and we haven’t had any issues with her waking up in the night or attempting to climb out of the crib yet.  When we put her down she immediately grabs a blanket and gets her thumb and is out.  She STILL naps twice a day, crazy…right?  On weekends that doesn’t always happen, but Weezie says it works best for them right now and that’s a-okay with me.  When she wakes in the morning, she will just lay there and suck her thumb until I get her out of her crib.  I’m pretty sure I already know what kind of sleeper my next child will be like………there is just NO way you could get this lucky with two.  I mean my child hasn’t woken up in the middle of the night ONCE since she was SEVEN weeks old. 

Chunky butt is still well……..chunky.  Her legs are the definition of “ham hocks” and I LOVE it.  I’m sure one day way too soon that will disappear and I’ll be sad.  She mostly wears 12-18, 18 mo clothes….although yesterday she did wear a long romper that was 9 months!  It was a tad short but fit everywhere else…must have run big:-) She’s in size 4 diapers…size 3 and 4 shoes.

I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the fact that we only have a little over FOUR months till we will be celebrating her 2nd birthday….excuse me while I go bawl in the corner….


  1. I'm bawling right there with you!!!!!! OMG i just want to squeeze her. Can her and Cade seriously be BFF when they get to Carolina? Gah, love her so much and haven't even met her. You both need to come visit me at Sug! Swear!


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