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Rat race.

The Rat Race.

I’ve been doing this whole “full time working mom thing” for a grand total of about 4.5 months now, and I’m already WORN out.  OVER it.  *This is going to be a rant post* Yes, I am extremely grateful for all the blessings in my life…but I’m also human, and sometimes I just need to vent. I just don’t understand how I can do it all?!?  And I SO want to be able to do it ALL.  I’m already stressing about how I will get my children to dance/soccer/whatever practices in the future if I have to work until 5/6 every day.  Not only getting them there…but I want to BE there with them.  Ridiculous, right?  But, that’s just where my mind is right now.  How can I make this happen?

For starters, I want to work.  I like my job.  I like the challenge I get at work.  I need that stimulation and I really enjoy going to court and interacting with other attorneys and Judges on a weekly basis.  I know that staying home FULL time is just not for me…I was getting antsy just being home on my maternity leave.  With that being said though…what I REALLY want is to work part time.  We can all dream, right?  I’m SO jealous of moms who have that opportunity.  I’d love a 7:30-3:30 work day …or 8:30 if we are dreamingJ  Unfortunately, with the career choice I made…this seems hard to find.  I love being a lawyer, I do…but sometimes I wish I would have thought a little harder about how I would feel working full time when I had kids when I was 21 and deciding to go to law school.  Sigh…if I didn’t have student loans to go to law school I would probably be choosing a different career right now.  I want a career…I just don’t want one FULL time right now. *And the thing about it is…to work full time I actually have it made because I can be done by 5 or 5:30 every day and that is RARE in my industry.*  UGH.  As it is right now…unless I can find a firm that will let me go contract or something…that’s just not in the cards.  And with our present economy leaving your job without the security of knowing there will be one when you go back to work just isn’t smart.  When my mom had me…even though money was tight, she stayed out a year from work, but it wasn’t a big deal then because she KNEW she would have a job waiting for her when she came back.  I JUST WANT TO WORK PART TIME…WAHHHWAHHHWAHHH…okay enough about that.

It’s just that nights are HARD.  (And yes, I realize I’m nowhere near the first person to have this problem and I won’t be the last)  We get home between 5:30 and 6 every night and from then until I crash in bed it is GO,GO,GO.  We RARELY sit down and watch a TV show anymore at night…just not enough time.  The only real relaxation time I get at night right now is when I nurse Collins before she goes to bed and when I finally get in bed and have about 30 minutes to unwind because I can’t EVER fall asleep right away.  Between taking walks, keeping up with the laundry, playing with, feeding, bathing Collins, cooking our dinner, doing dishes, packing lunch and Collins’ stuff for the next day and any other random house chore that needs to be done I am EXHAUSTED by 9:30 or 10 and hardly have any time to think/breathe before getting into bed.  And let me just say, this isn’t because my husband doesn’t help.  Mikey helps a LOT. He cooks, he helps clean, he plays with Collins, he takes care of the yard work and he has bankers school stuff to keep up with.  I can’t even imagine what I would do if he didn’t help.  It’s just Monday thru Thursday nights are a MAD house.  I just don’t see that ever changing in the near future unless my job demands change. 

I want to be the mom that does it all.  I want to have a great career AND be a great mom.  I feel like it is so hard to do BOTH.  *There was actually a magazine article about this recently, talking about how the feminist movement didn’t really serve women well because now we are expected to be able to have a career AND be super mom and it’s just plain HARD.* I want to go to work every day and be challenged but I also want to be with my daughter more.  I want to excel in the firm world but I also want to be able to be at all of my children’s plays, practices, games, day care events, etc.  Unfortunately practices for kids start before 6.  How can I do that?  Ahhhh.  I hope and pray that one day in the near future (next year or so) I am able to find a job that allows me this opportunity.  There’s got to be one out there somewhere….right?!?

Sorry to be so pouty/ungrateful but this is just what’s been weighing on my mind and heart lately and I want to remember…the good and the bad.

Until then, more pictures of my favorite girl in the world to keep me happy.

Getting so big!

 HAPPY girl.
 She LOVES her jumper. 
 Maybe something more exciting next time.  We are off to CHARLESTON for a wedding weekend and to spend some time with our besties and Collins' future husband;-)



  1. OMG Caroline, totally feel the same way with this whole career choice, and I don't even have kids yet! I think I read that same article, too.

  2. Oh Caroline, this is the one part of being a working mom that I could never share with you until you ARE one! You've summed up my entire 4 year struggle in your post. Now I'm experiencing it all over again with Grady! I just had this conversation with Matt the other are we as women expected to be bread winners, mothers, wives, cooks, hostesses, etc. etc. etc. and still remain sane or have a moment to ourselves. I feel like you Monday-Thursday as well. Even that extra hour I get doesn't help the feeling and you're just so torn wanting to be it all and do it all. I am here for you girl, cause I struggle with and feel the same as you and have been through every emotion in the book about it! Love you! Christie

  3. I don't remember how I found your blog, but I've been reading it for a while. This post hit home for me. I have three kids (the oldest will soon be 4, the youngest is 5 months) and I have the same work issues you do. Nights are rushed and crazy, mornings are rushed and crazy. I have no idea how we'll ever fit in school events, sports and other things in the future. I'm exhausted every night when I go to bed and my husband is a very hands on dad and a great husband. It's not like I do this alone! My only suggestion is that if you don't have cleaning help I'd suggest looking into that. It's a huge help. Good luck!

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