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FIVE MONTHS OLD.  As I write this post, I’m thinking about the fact that my baby will be HALF A YEAR old soon…wow, how did that happen?   

Collins, you continue to amaze your daddy and me…you are such a sweet, content baby and LUCKY for us you are STILL sleeping 11-12 hours per night.   THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!  You have started to really laugh out loud this month…especially during bath time and an intense game of peek-a-boo.  In fact, the first time I really heard you go nuts laughing out loud was in Beaufort when your cousins Janie, Kaileigh, Ella and Belle were all playing peek-a-boo with you…you were in heaven!  You’ve been quite the trooper this month, going from your old house to spending the night at Lolly and Granddaddy’s for a few weeks and then finally getting settled in your NEW home.  Fortunately, you didn’t even seem to notice all the craziness that has been going on. 

From your 4th to 5th month (June 17-July17) you experiences lots of firsts!!  You went to Fripp Island and got in the ocean for the first time, and experienced the beach and the sandbar.  You went in the pool at Village Creek for the first time and LOVED it.  I even thought it was a little cold but it didn’t seem to bother you a bit.  You started getting formula every once in a while (this actually occurred on Thursday July 19 for the first time.)  I was a little sad that it had to happen but it was time and you didn’t seem to notice.  Most days you still get all breast milk, but every once in a while I have to supplement with formula.  You had CEREAL (oatmeal) for the FIRST time on Sunday July 22.  You actually seemed to like it and kept reaching for the spoon to get more.  We have been giving you cereal every night when we get home around 6 this past week and it has been going very well.  Next up, maybe some fruits and veggies!  Your friends Mary Brooks and Mary Mac came over yesterday and we had our very first pool play date.  Y’all did so good…Mary Mac will have to teach you and Mary Brooks how to swim….she was all over the place like a little fish!   You and Mary Brooks were happy as can be in your floats and seemed to love the pool. 
I can’t tell if you are starting to teethe or not…at day care they told me to bring some orajel for you…and you definitely want something in your mouth all the time right now, but you haven’t really had any fussiness associated with it yet and I haven’t felt a tooth quite yet.  You are almost sitting by yourself, yay Collins!  Just this morning at day care you stayed up right by yourself for a few seconds.  You can do the whole lean over with both arms down and are working on coming up on your own off your hands.  My big girl!!  And while this isn’t called crawling…you can definitely get yourself around.  They said at day care you scooted yourself all the way across the room.  You do this while you sleep too, always ending up smashed up in the corner of the crib, but that seems to be how you like it.  And you still prefer your tummy, always. 

And for the BIGGEST first of all that occurred, you started DAY CARE on Monday July 23.  Oh, how this made me a little sad.  We just LOVED having Lolly keep you for the first few months when I had to go back to work…but Lolly can’t do that forever and it was time to go to day care!  As I mentioned earlier, the first day was tough…seeing you crying all by yourself in your crib, but it has already gotten better and I think you are getting used to it now.  You are in a room with GIRLS (one little boy) and even little Cate who we just found out is our neighbor!! Yay!  You seem happy now when I go in there and as long as you are happy I am happy!

Typical days right now:
7:15: wake up
7:30: leave for downtown (we carpool so I give you your bottle in the car on the way to day care)
8:00: arrive at day care after we drop daddy off at work
8:00-4:45: day care: you nap, play, and eat : typically taking a bottle at 10:30, 1:30 and 4:30 and napping in between feedings for an hour or so.
4:45: daddy picks you up and then y’all come pick me up from work
5:30: HOME
6:00 cereal
6:00-8:00: Play, go on walks, rides in golf cart
8:00: bath and feed
8:15: BED

Not sure about your weight right now, but you are definitely growing because the car seat is starting to get REALLY heavy!!  I finally packed up your 0-3 months clothes and your 3 month footed jammies are getting snug length wise.  Mostly you are still in 3 month and 3-6 month outfits.  We are finishing up our last pack of size one diapers and will buy size TWO next. 
Your granddaddy is still going thru a list of nicknames for you…you’ll learn he and your uncle Matt LOVE nicknames.  Your cousin Belle is booty jones and so far he has been calling you: boots, colls, and booty jones two.  Who knows where he’ll end up.  I call you lots of silly names…pumpkin noodle (what my mama called me), Collins bollins, colls, and your daddy has recently started calling you little c. 

Whatever name you end up…we will always love you, Collins Glenn.  Thank you for being such a joy over these past five months.
*written on Monday July 30, 2012* *Five months old on July 17, 2012*

Getting ready to try cereal for the first time...we went with oatmeal cereal.

 Five month photo op.

 First bite!

 She liked it!!

 More, mama!!

 Falling baby.


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