John Mayer is in Columbia right now. WHAT? Who in their right mind chooses Columbia to practice?? Apparently, he is "locked" away in our coliseum...weird. I mean I like Columbia and all, but lets get real, ain't a whole lot going on round these parts. (like my redneck impression?) Maybe that is precisely the reason he chose Cola. though, maybe he wanted to relax, not be bothered, or maybe he just wanted to come see me. HA! Yeah, notsomuch=)
The Oscar nominees: What are we thinking?? I definitely think I need to see The Hurt Locker, honestly....I had never even heard of it??? Another confession, I haven't seen a LOT of the movies that are up for awards...need to get to the cinema asap. I will say although I loved the Blind Side, I don't really think it is "BEST PICTURE" material. I know some of y'all aren't gonna like this, but from what I have seen AVATAR deserves it. Say what you want, but until you go see it , don't judge! I did...and then I saw it and was very impressed.
Hubs and I just got sucked in via an infomercial and ordered P90X, OMG, what were we thinking?? Like seriously, I tried to do ONE, just ONE pull up on our fancy new pull up bar, hahahaa biggest laugh in a while. Here's to seeing how this goes...hopefully I can muster up enough motivation/dedication to actually follow thru with this!
Peace out!
Hubs and I just got sucked in via an infomercial and ordered P90X, OMG, what were we thinking?? Like seriously, I tried to do ONE, just ONE pull up on our fancy new pull up bar, hahahaa biggest laugh in a while. Here's to seeing how this goes...hopefully I can muster up enough motivation/dedication to actually follow thru with this!
Peace out!
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