Thanks to the SC Young Banker's Association (and Mikey's job) we got to enjoy a weekend at the Grove Park in March. It was magnificent. There were events each night and Mike had to attend classes Saturday morning, but I got to spend my day at the spa and it was HEAVEN on EARTH. I had a NINETY minute facial- I rarely indulge like that, but we figured since that was all we had to pay for all weekend, why not!? I rotated between the steam rooms, saunas, and big comfy leather recliners by the fire all day just relaxing- pure heaven. It was such a fun weekend, definitely would love to go back in the fall during the prime leaf changing season to see it in all its glory!
Surprise Caro, guess who hacked into your blog! I know what you are saying to yourself...I can’t believe it’s taken this long for me to mess with you on here. For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, this obviously is not your sweet Caroline, this is her wonderful, sarcastic, fun loving, baby daddy (or is it babies’ daddy now?), also known as her husband. (Caro at her finest, throwing me a great 25th birthday celebration) Where do I begin…. I guess we can talk about how this marital bliss came to be before we talk about the author of this blog and how amazing she. Caroline has been the love of my life for as long as I can remember, we were actually first grade boyfriend and girlfriend if you can believe it. After first grade, there was the great divide, as both of us went to different schools the following year. Finally, after 10 agonizing, lonely years we were reunited at a house party our senior year in high school. I, naturally, had always kept an eye on her throughou...
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