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A day in the life

I LOVE reading other “day in the life” posts.  It seems so nosy, but I love hearing about how others live their day to day lives and how different we all are.  


With our kids ages, activities, and Mikey’s job that requires some after work networking/event attending…. our days really differ around here.  If he’s got something after work, I’m the one that picks up all three kids (who are at different places three days a week) after work and gets everyone home and starts playing/chores/cooking (depending on how long Mikey will be). But, otherwise- normally we divide and conquer if they kids are at different places.  This past year, Collins had dance two days week and gymnastics one day a week….so two days a week pick up is from dance at 5:45 or 6 and the other she is at her besties houses who she goes to gymnastics with.  The boys did soccer shots in the fall and spring the year, so for 10-12 Thursdays, we would go to soccer from 5:40-6:20 on Thursdays.  So, it’s really just Thursdays and Fridays that all three kids are at the same place for pick up after work.  But, we make it work😊


This past year, Mikey took Collins to school every day, they have to be at school by 7:35 and so this gets him out the door and into the office earlier – his commute is twice the time and distance mine is.   I take the boys to preschool or Weezie’s,(depending on the day of the week) since my office is closer to home and I’m good as long as I’m there by 9. *Of course, every once in a while, I’d have to leave early for out of town court, or Mikey for a meeting so we’d have to plan in advance for one to take all three kids.


We also have a high school senior who picks Collins and her bestie up from school every day and brings them to Weezie’s, which has worked out so perfect.  On Monday’s, my mom will then pick Collins up from Weezie’s and take her to dance, Tuesday’s – the other mama takes the girls to gymnastics and Wednesdays- the high schooler takes Collins straight to dance.  They weren’t lying when they said, “it takes a village!!!”


Our day: Tuesday May 29


6:30: alarm (I’m trying to get in the habit of waking up at 6:15 and working out at the house with either a video or treadmill, but this did not happen yesterday….urgh).

6:45 ish: Mikey wakes Collins up and gets her breakfast, cereal…and she eats and “wakes up”

7-7:20: I help Collins get dressed and do her hair, make sure bookbag has everything she needs, dance bag is packed, etc. 

7:20: Mikey and Collins leave for the day

7:30: I jump in the shower – sometimes I hear the boys stirring before I get in the shower so I’ll go get them and let them watch cartoons on my bed and sometimes they sleep later so I let them sleep ‘til I get out of the shower.  This day, they slept late – post long weekend tiredness. 

8:15: when I aim to leave the house every day (sometimes this happens, sometimes it does not.  Sometimes it’s earlier….).  When in preschool I would leave at 8:15 ish and get them to school and drop off right at 8:45 so I’d be in my office by 9.  I can take them to Weezie’s any time, but I usually try and leave around 8:15 every day regardless.  If the boys have preschool, I feed them cereal while I get ready.  But, when they go to Weezie’s, they like to eat breakfast there – how awesome is that?!  Since preschool is over for summer, we left the house at 8:20 yesterday, were at Weezie’s by 8:40 and I was in the office by 8:55. 

9-5: work day- I’m fortunate that I don’t have a high stress, demanding, long hours job.  Well, I say “fortunate” but I chose this.  I don’t LOVE the type of law I practice, (and I’m certainly not raking in the dough) but the most important thing for me right now, is my family and if having a more boring job that doesn’t pay me “big law” money allows me more hours with my family, then I’ll take it EVERY single day. Some days I work through lunch, sometimes I’ll just run to Weezie’s and love on the boys (sure miss my girl being there during the day for that reason) some days I’ll run an errand (grocery shopping) and some days I’ll run home to do a load of laundry or two.  It’s about 15 minutes from my office to my house, so I don’t have tons of time if I go home, but it’s so nice and SO helpful to have a little bit of time to do some house chores and get things done so I can enjoy my nights with my kiddos. On this day, I had forgotten Collins’ gymnastics clothes (see again, post long weekend) so I had to run home, grab her clothes and drop them off at Weezie’s so she’d have them when she got there after school. 

5:00: OUT the door and heading to my kids.  I rarely work past 5, if I have something to do I’ll just bring it home and work after the kids go to bed.  Thankfully, that doesn’t happen too much.   I picked the boys up first and then headed to get Collins at her besties house (which thankfully is very close to us and right off the interstate).  I made the executive decision at 5:30 that I didn’t feel like going to the grocery store and cooking (I had planned to go to grocery store during lunch, but ran out of time) so we then headed to Moe’s to meet Mikey for kids eat free- dinner, always a plus ;-)

6:45: back home after dinner, play time with the kids before bed.  Unless they go swimming (which will happen WAY more this summer) or are extremely sweaty, we only do bath every other night.  So last night was not a bath night so the kids played until 8 and then we did our bedtime routine.  Brush teeth, books, prayers.  Mikey and I typically switch off on who handles bedtime routine, one takes C and one takes the boys.  Last night, Collins and I read a little Junie B. Jones while Mikey and the boys read Curious George. 

8:30: BED for the kids.  We’ve definitely had to get stricter with bedtime for Collins with kindergarten, thankfully she’s done fine staying up till 8:30 every night, she always pops right up at 6:45 the next morning.  Now, this summer…..bedtime will definitely not be strict….  8:30 will just be the goal.  

8:30-9/9:30: clean kitchen/dishes, laundry, pack lunch.  This is mine and Mikey’s time to “get shit done.”  Sometimes we are super quick and are in bed by 9, sometimes I have more energy and will “work” until closer to 10.  Since we ate out last night, we didn’t have dishes so we folded one load of laundry and were in bed very soon after the kids.  It’s amazing when we do that!

9/9:30-10:30: our downtime, we scroll social media and watch TV for about an hour before lights out.  I typically try to have lights out by 10:30, but last night I stayed up until 11 because I was reading a good book!


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