Another month upon us, the boys turned 4 months old on November 1…and the biggest milestone that occurred, you BOTH are now sleeping in your CRIBS in your room. This was a BIG deal for mama. BIG. This has been a great month and your daddy and I absolutely LOVE watching you boys grow. (Well, of course I hate how quickly time goes by…but the smiles and giggles and coos we get now make it all okay!)
Your routines have stayed consistent lately…and it makes me so proud. After we put big sister to bed, daddy and I get in some good quality time with y’all…sometimes y’all are kinda fussy for a bit around this time at night, but sometimes y’all are all smiles and it melts our hearts. The fussiness doesn’t ever last long and if we hold you, everything is okay again. We generally start bath time around 8:45/9… neither one of you enjoy your bath much. After bath, I nurse y’all…this happensbetween 9 and 9:30, depending on how our night has gone. Y’all are both still fantastic with nursing! About 3 weeks ago, I began giving you both a bottle after our last nursing session to ensure you were getting plenty of food. Whether it is breast milk or formula, I normally give y’all 2 oz. after nursing just to make sure those bellies are full for a long nights sleep. Sleep has been going GREAT. The transition to the crib was MUCH harder on me than either of you. Thomas, you can go down between 9:30 and 10 and sleep straight until 7/7:30. (woohoo!) Little Graham, you need a little bit more help in the sleep department but are still doing really well. The first two nights in your crib, you made it till about 4 or 5 am and then we brought you in our room so you didn’t wake up T. But, the past week…you have slept from 9:30/10 until about 6…and then we can usually put a paci in you and you go back to sleep till 7/7:30 whenever I get y’all up to nurse. Sometimes, it takes two or three times putting a paci in, but I can’t complain! To be so little, you are doing GREAT! You both nurse for the first time each day between 7 and 7:30 and then eat every three hours all day long.
Neither of you are on a strict nap schedule yet, but that’s okay. You both will fall asleep when you are ready in the swing or bouncy seat at Weezie’s. *You did both take your first nap in your crib this past weekend!* Graham, you don’t seem to require as much sleep as a lot of babies, but you also have a little bit harder time soothing yourself to sleep. Thomas, you still nap pretty well and require a little more sleep than your (big) little brother.
GROWING! I am happy to report you have both been gaining weight at a steady pace! Thomas, you gained exactly 2 pounds in a month, and G gained 1 lb. 9 oz. Graham, you still spit up a lot, so it’s no wonder you don’t gain quite as quick as your brother. Graham is now 10 lb. 11 oz and Thomas is 13 lb. You are both still in size 1 diapers, although I imagine we will be moving T up to 2 pretty soon. You both can wear 3 months or 3-6 month clothing.
Dr. W says you both look fantastic and that is all that matters! You guys have started cooing and giggling all the time and it is just the cutest thing in the world. You both finally started playing with the toys on your car seat recently and you both still hate tummy time;-)
Your big sister continues to be obsessed with both of you and is so sweet with y’all. I only hope you both love her just as much. She’s such a good little helper and loves and kisses on y’all constantly.
Now, time for the pictures…you boys have stolen our hearts and we couldn’t be more thankful that God chose us to be your parents! We love you to the moon and back, love mama and daddy.
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