Our weekends lately have been SO laid back, with not much on the calendar at all. To the point where I am ready to GO…so we are finally heading back to Beaufort this weekend, cannot wait. Anyways, I seriously looked at Mikey the other day and asked what we used to do during the winter. I’ve never had so much down time in my life. I’ve always disliked January and February because there just isn’t much going on and it’s typically COLD. I am a person who enjoys being on the GO and having things planned, so these months kind of mess up my mojo. We’ve had several LAZY days spent inside the past couple of weekends….it’s been a nice break with me being pregnant and not having my normal energy, but I am definitely ready for a change this weekend! We took Collins to her first Carolina basketball game of the year last weekend….we stayed for the first half and halftime and she had a ball…sad to report we didn’t get any pictures! Two Saturd...