7 months. September 17. Collins, You are officially crawling EVERYWHERE! You started crawling on August 27 (10 days past your 6 month mark) and haven’t stopped since. You are getting pretty fast too, it’s so cute! Otherwise, I don’t feel like a lot has changed over the last month. You do love to play a lot more now. You are content on the rug just playing with your blocks and musical toys for a while. You LOVE your jumper bumper too. For some reason, it cracks you up. Especially when daddy helps with the jumping and you go sky high! You are still fighting a cold…it went away for a while…but has creeped back. It really doesn’t seem to bother you, but it makes me sad when I wake you up in the morning and your little nose is covered in dried boogers:-( You still HATE the snot sucker/bulb syringe…but good lord is that thing getting some use! Diapers: still size 2 Clothes: I finally put away all of your 3 month clothes and you are strictly wearing 6 mon...