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*Full term*

How far along? 37 weeks. I don't really fully understand this whole 40 weeks pregnant business....why do they consider you full term at 37 weeks but yet you are supposed to go 40? From what I've read the newest research shows that babies born at 37 weeks can still suffer from respiratory problems (asthma, etc.) but of course there are some babies who can come early and be perfectly healthy. Don't understand it. I think I have just gone into this thing the whole time thinking she would be I'm not getting my hopes for anything to happen anytime soon!

Size of the baby? Around 6 pounds, maybe? My doctor guestimated Tuesday she was actually about 5.5 right now. We don’t get ultrasounds at my practice at this point in the pregnancy unless something is wrong/worrisome/etc. so we really won’t have an exact number until she decides to make her grand entrance to this world!

Maternity Clothes? SAME.

Stretch Marks? SAME.

Movement? SAME.

Sleep? SAME.

Food Cravings? SAME.

What I Miss: Actually, being active/working out…I am so ready to get back to doing something. I’m officially over being pregnant. And I HATE to say that/complain because I’ve had a wonderful pregnancy…but starting around the 35 week mark that all went downhill. Getting out of bed/off the couch HURTS, my belly hurts, I’m swelling…blah blah blah. I’m by no means really “ready” …I want her to bake as LONG as she wants (well, as long as she doesn’t go a week PAST my due date, then I may look at induction) but I am tired of the sucky part of carrying around a human being inside of me! I feel like she is running out of room…my doc said it is normal for me to have a lot of back pain and pressure and stuff in other areas because I am SO short and SO short waisted. There really just isn’t as much room for her in me!

Symptoms: Nada. Nothing had changed at doctor this week.

Best Moment of the Week? My wonderful mom came over last night to iron the crib bedding and finalized organizing the nursery. It is 99% DONE:) My prints are at the framer right now, should be done by Friday and some accessories from RH Baby and Child are due to arrive Friday…fingers crossed! Hopefully everything will be 100% DONE this weekend!


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