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Showing posts from February, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge and Friday randoms.

Day 25: Put your i-pod on shuffle, first ten songs. Confession: I hardly EVER listen to my i-pod. Like, never ever...unless I'm hosting a party or bring to a big weekend with my Bose player. I love music, I do. But, probably not as much as some people. I can't name songs, singers, lyrics...but I do love to sing:) If I'm just hanging out around the house, or getting ready...I have the TV on for "background" not music. I never invested in a nice connector for my i-pod to play in my car...mine is crappy and it is always static-y. So...I just listen to the radio. Not even satellite radio, just old school radio. And I jam out. Now when I am on vacation, playing on the lake, beach, by the pool, sitting on the dock, having friends over...etc. we always have the music on and I normally depend on my friends and family (my dad is a music nut!) to supply the i-pod tunes. But anyways, the point of this post...I'll just go with my ten random songs I know are o...

Guess what I did!

I WORKED OUT YESTERDAY IN THE MORNING...BEFORE WORK, YIPPEEE!!! I can't contain your excitement, right!?! Well I can't...that takes a LOT for me. This is how my workout regimen "generally" goes...I'll workout three or four times one week...two or three times the next...and then I'll skip two weeks and the cycle starts over. I just can't get a routine going where I workout constantly, three to four times a week. I MUST make it a priority. I HATE getting out of bed in the morning. PROBLEMS. When I have been working out lately, it has been when I get home from work. I don't have to work that long of hours...but regardless, when I get home around 6...the LAST thing I want to do is spend an hour working out. Unfortunately, working out is not a "release" for me as it is for so many people. Maybe, if I could ever turn it into something I love/do without thinking about/get a routine it could turn into that for me. But, as it s...

Weekend Recaps.

Although I usually dread this time of year...these past couple of months have been really nice. We have done a LOT of relaxing, taken care of some house projects, traveled to Mexico and Beaufort, been "parents" for a weekend, and celebrated some good friends upcoming weddings. Two weekends ago, Mikey and I (along with several others) threw an engagement party for our dear friends Shayne and Lindsey. *Shayne and Mikey have been friends since high school. Linds and I met in college, were in the same sorority and now she is one of my dearest friends. These two met when we all traveled to New Orleans/LSU for some Carolina football several years ago, and the rest is history:) We are so thrilled for them and cannot wait to celebrate their big day. I love when our worlds collide (i.e., Mikey's friend with my we are just one big happy family!)* Anyways, back to the point of the post. The party recap. The party was held at a restaurant/bar in downtown Columbi...

Be jealous.

Because I'm going to spend this BEAUTIFUL weekend here. Looking at this as I sip cocktails, throw the cast net (that's for you Kayla!), read, and enjoy being with some wonderful friends. This sunset won't hurt either...we may never come in from the dock tomorrow...sigh. I. CANNOT.WAIT. We are off to Beaufort after work and (as if you can't tell) I couldn't be more excited. The highs are in the upper 70' clouds, just sunshiney days. Are we sure it is still February? We are stopping at one of my favorite restaurants in Beaufort tonight, Wren . It is where my bridesmaid luncheon was is one of the prettiest restaurants ever, the food is amazing, and the atmosphere even better. The boys are playing golf tomorrow...and the girls, well...I literally plan on being outside all day. I'm thinking a bike ride on Hunting Island could be fun in the morning, the sunrise will be breathtaking... and then soaking up the rays on the dock for the rest of ...

Gettin' Deep.

Y'all bear with me, I'm about to go pretty deep here on the ole' blog. No worries...nothing pertaining to politics, religion, or sex; you can breathe, we will save those taboo subjects for another day. I'm here to talk about aging. And life. And time. I am TWENTY SEVEN years young. I am TWENTY FREAKING SEVEN, already!?! I swear, I go back and forth between these two emotions all the time. With respect to most aspects of my life now, (you that I've tied the knot, graduated college and graduate school, got a big girl job...etc.) I feel young. I feel like I am just getting started...I haven't even been in the "real" world for two years yet. I feel energized, full of life, and ready to go at a moments notice. And then, I get this sinking, weird feeling that I will wake up and be 47 before I know it. And, I am NOT here to say that being 47 is a bad thing or that you can't still be energized and full of life, because I hope to still be ...

Just for me.

Happy belated Valentine's Day readers. Hope it was a lovely one...mine was spent at work, Moe's (welcome to Moe's! $5 Mondays!!), and last but not least WALLY WORLD! Fun stuff, right? We've/I've never been a big Valentine's Day person, it really just doesn't do it for me. WHO decided that this one particular day should be all about love...they ALL should damn it. Anyways, whatever floats your boat. We didn't make plans to do anything for V-day...we are taking my grandparents out to dinner tonight to Tombo Grill , AH-mazing (it's their Christmas gift from us, what else do you get people who have everything!?!) So, the point being...we knew we were doing a fancy dinner tonight and that was enough for us! We decided to take our "bi-monthly" trip to Wal Mart last night because we have plans every other night this week. I couldn't get over how packed the place was...and how many men we saw buying crap Valentine's Day

Random recap.

How's life peeps? Been pretty busy lately, not much time to blog! So...when I get a minute, I'll just throw a million different things out there at once. Sound okay? Good. This past weekend was great. Another spent in Columbia...I really think this could be a record. We hosted game night Friday night...boys played poker, and the girls...well we played a tad but talking got the best of us:) We had a house full and it was a wonderful night catching up with friends. I got a rug! Eeekk. Saturday! Mom and I ventured up to Charlotte to visit West Elm and I purchased this rug ...I love it. Pictures in my den to come soon. Hopefully it will hold up, I think the color is perfect and won't show dirt. But, the BEST part about it...the price! An 8x10 for $230, that's insane!!! We also ventured over to first experience. Can we say crazy! I've seen there stuff before but never actually been to a store. Holy overwhelming. We didn't really have anyt...

Makeover Monday: the kitchen

Our kitchen is my FAVORITE part of our house. Yes, even though I don't like to cook..I still like to have a pretty cooking space. Our house was built in the 1930's as were most of the houses in our area, which equals small cut up rooms that make no sense. It's amazing how open floor plans are somewhat of a modern thing. We live in a brick bungalow, a very typical style house for our area. We live as many times as something has broken, (*ahem* it started raining on me the other night, in our LIVING room...yes, we need a new roof, blah....anyone want to donate a few G's)... I wouldn't trade living in an old house downtown for the world right now. Maybe one day when kids are part of the mix we will move to the "burbs," but for now we love being in the heart of the action. And we love our old house, leaky roof and all. We didn't waste any time tearing stuff down after the papers were signed. The kitchen was so small and cut up, it was...

Our glimpse into parenting.

*Disclaimer: In NO way do I think I know how hard/time consuming/awesomely amazing/exhausting/thrilling parenting really is. Now that that's out of the way...on to share our weekend with my precious little niece. This past weekend Mikey and I got to keep Belle for two nights!! I was ecstatic. Seriously. Matt and Christie (bro and SIL) were going out of town, and my parents were actually out of town too, so we got the pleasure. *my mom was SO SO jealous* We started out Friday night with some time at Chick fil A...duh. She wanted chicken nuggets, who was I to refuse her? So what if I wanted some too, right? She was a little disappointed because there were no other kids on the play equipment, so she had to make do with us . But, we made the best of it and had a ball. She was the perfect angel...except for that one time she thought it was cute to run thru the restaurant w. no shoes on cause she had to go to the bathroom. No worries, I caught up with her quickly...and anywa...