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Much to be thankful for: the holiday in pictures

So, I ate...a LOT this Thanksgiving. Seriously, growing up (before me or sibling were married) it seemed like we just ate ONE Thanksgiving meal and that was that. Well, this year...we had THREE. Ridiculous. Three days in a row too...talking about a carb overload.

Regardless, it was a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and I have a lot to be thankful for.

Tuesday night, our festivities started with our second annual "friends" thanksgiving dinner. We *obviously* just started this event last year, and it is already one of my favorite things we do together. You know...normally when a big group of us gets together, it is for a party (especially if the boys are included) or a tailgate or something that involves drinking and socializing. Now, not that this night is that much different in that regard...BUT we each go around (17 of us this year!) and talk about what we are thankful for. It was one of the rare times the boys get sentimental with us, and it is just a really cool thing to hear/do. This year, we had something EXTRA special to celebrate, as our best friends had JUST gotten engaged. He went last, and stood up to talk about how much he loved everyone at the table, and how he was so thankful for us, his family and his FIANCE. ( I don't know how to do that little mark above!) Anyways, we all freaked and she pulled out the ring she had been hiding in her pocket. It was absolutely perfect.

Our boys.

Wonderful group of best friends being goofy. Yes, that's my husband in the back looking like he is looking at a shooting star or something!
My beautiful best friends, just missing a few that don't live in Cola=(
Wednesday we for that. I did get off a little early though...just in time to get home and prepare for Thanksgiving dinner number 2! Mikey's family came over for us to celebrate ... unfortunately I didn't take any pictures...bummer. But, it was a nice night hanging out with his fam. We were missing his sister though...her family couldn't come, and she's got the only young ones right now to keep us lively!

Thursday morning, we slept in and it was wonderful! We took Milly on a maybe burn off at least like 3 bites of some sort of carb that we had inhaled in the past two days, only to get ready for feast number 3!

My family got together at my parents house for lunch on Thanksgiving day. We used to spend the day with the whole extended family, but now with everyone's families getting so is just too hard to get together still. So, it was just the 7 of us...small but wonderful. Seriously, after lunch...we laid on the couch and were LAZY the rest of the day. Pure bliss.

My sweet niece who makes holidays so much more fun now.

A little family portrait!
What I am thankful for=)
So, now comes the funny part of the novel...sorry I know this is getting kinda long, but I wanted to recap everything! We had made up our minds that we were going to purchase a new washer and dryer during black friday madness. Ours is broken, and we decided it was time to suck it up. Ugh...boring adult gifts for Christmas? When did I grow up so fast!?! Anyways, we saw some at Sears, front loaders that were on sale for $599...that's basically getting one for free. Well, we went to Sears earlier in the week to look at them, and the guy told us we should be fine if we were there between 2 and 3 am...they opened at 4am and gave out "tickets" at 3. There were only FOUR of the W&D's per store. Little did we know.... HOW FREAKING CRAZY PEOPLE ARE!!! Mikey had decided to take one for the team, he was going to go to Sears at midnight and wait it out so we could get one of the W&D's. How sweet, right? Well, unfortunately we were new to the whole black Friday craziness. (I've always shopped with my momma on that Friday, but never been out at midnight or 4 am). We went to see The Next Three Days at 10:20 that night (which was a really good movie by the way!). The movie was to be done around 12:30, thinking this would be the perfect time for Mikey to get to Sears. Boy, were we WRONG! People started lining up for these front loaders at SIX...that's almost 12 hours of waiting in line! Holy WOW. We were pretty defeated...ughhhh, so frustrating for that to happen. So we went home. * We did run in to wal mart to see what all the fuss was about, never in my life have I seen that kind of insanity. NEVER.*

We ended up getting a front loading washer and dryer at HH Gregg on Friday, two for $799. Still a heck of a deal, but hard to swallow when we could have had those other two for $599. Lesson learned: the EARLY bird for real gets the worm! We also got this fridge, love it. Appliances for Christmas? Come to mama....hahaha. How boring right?

Okay, that's more than enough for now. Till next time!


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