WHEW! So hubs left Sunday for a full week of banker’s school….meaning it was just the kiddos and me all week. Banker’s school is only about an hour and 15 min drive from our house but they spend the night in dorms and have lots of different activities all day and night…. My mom was at the beach too, so I had no back up! ** I fully realize stay at home mom’s and single mom’s do this all the time…I can totally handle the kids alone, I just don’t like being alone….I am not one of those that needs “me” time…so for me, it was more about being by myself when the kids went to bed and having no one to talk to at night that sucked** Anyways, point is….it was a LOT of work but we survived!! BUT, last night may have been the WORST. I came home from work to our upstairs AC being out. WTF! It just went out a month ago and was fixed. It was 90 degrees upstairs!!!! HOLY! I had to pack a family of five for a week at the beach in this hotness...