31 weeks. Size of babies : 16 inches long and approximately 3.3 pounds, per baby center. Size of mama : large and in charge. Not a day goes by that I don’t get a comment from a stranger about my belly/about go into labor/etc. How I feel : Eeehhhh. Things are going downhill FAST. Ugh. We didn’t have an ultrasound at our 30 week appointment, so not sure how big the boys are at this point…but at my 30 week appt my belly was measuring 35 weeks, which is normal….but no wonder things are going downhill fast. Around the 35 week mark is when I started going downhill with Collins too, back pain has become constant….pressure and soreness are at an all-time high and I get tired pretty easily. I definitely look and feel 35/36 weeks pregnant…not 31. I’m TRYING to stay positive….and keep repeating to myself (this is the last time I will ever go thru this, you can do it!! ha!) but it’s not fun. Getting in...