The Friday Five: Thanksgiving edition. Let’s be honest…I will NOT be posting next Friday…as this year we will be getting ready to have a throw down to celebrate my awesome daddy’s SIXTIETH birthday!!! So, today’s edition of The Friday Five will focus on one of my favorite holidays. 1. I absolutely LOVE Thanksgiving. For me, it is just so relaxing and “warm.” *I obviously LOVE Christmas too, but Thanksgiving is just so easy.* No holiday stress, no worry about getting all the gifts bought ( I do LOVE buying gifts for others, but you know what I mean…)…just a laid back holiday to enjoy your loved ones and take some time to be THANKFUL. We all could use some more of that in our life, right? 2. Thanksgiving to me includes the following foods: turkey, giblet gravy, dressing, sweet potato soufflé, rice and butter beans, mac and cheese, and may...