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Merry Christmas from the Glenn family!!

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The Friday five.

  1.       I really wish the weather would make up its mind.  I know I always say I am a SUMMER girl…but when it is supposed to be cold/winter I like it to be cold.  Not freezing, now.  But, just cold.  I do NOT like shopping for Christmas presents and sweating.  Just doesn’t seem right to me.  *It’s supposed to be 72 here Saturday….     2.       I am getting SO excited for little C to receive all of her presents on Christmas.  I just know she is going to LOVE them all, but probably her new kitchen the most.  She already loves to pretend play so much, it’s so darn cute.     3.       Don’t mean to complain because I am thankful to have a good job, but gee golly…I wish we had more time off around the holidays.  There are so many people out this time of year, our clients are closed/off for a while; it just seems like ...

{our weekend}

I left work around 3 Friday to head to ATLANTA for the night.  It was our TENTH annual ZTA girls CHRISTMAS party and I was PUMPED.  8 out of 11 of the girls in attendance still live in Columbia and see each other pretty regularly, but it is rare for ALL of us to be together and for that I am forever thankful.  We took a road trip this year to go to my best friend Brannon’s home in Atlanta.  It was SUPER quick, but SUPER fun.  We used to all get ridiculously wild and go out after we exchanged presents, but this year we decided to do things differently.  We all got coordinating PJ’s and our best friend Becca monogrammed them for us.  We were ready for a GIRL’S NIGHT IN.  The very best kind.  We do a white elephant style gift exchange and it is so much fun.  We get dinner catered and enjoy the evening catching up and making memories.  It is one of my favorite nights of the year.  I was SICK this year, so that didn’t help, but I s...

{our weekend... Ahem... 2 weekends ago!}

Always behind 'round these parts.  This past weekend ( December 8th) was filled with Christmas cheer!!  We started off Friday night by taking Collins back to PJ’s with Santa at the Holiday Market put on by the Junior League here in Columbia.  It is a great event…and maybe when Collins is 5 she won’t be TERRIFIED of Santa?!?  At least we gave it a shot…hehe.  Poor boo did NOT like Santa…I was even going to attempt to sit on his lap with her, but NO.  But yet, when we walked away…she said “bye bye, santa.”  WHAT?!  How does that work?  We still had fun though…ate some popcorn and watched a bit of the polar express, decorated sugar cookies, and played in the little gym area…it was a fun night to get in the holiday spirit!   Saturday was spent finishing up decorating the house for Christmas.  We are DONE.  And I LOVE it.  We went with a HUGE  12 foot  tree this year and put it in our foyer.  It is MAGICAL. ...

Christmas for Collins

Collins’ Christmas list. So yeah, the child doesn't have a clue Christmas is coming.  And obviously, is still too young to truly understand.  But, that doesn't mean I am not excited about playing Santa Claus this year.  We literally did not buy much at all last year…just wasn't worth it.  I’m still not going to go overboard, and I’m focusing on buying practical things that she will be able to use for years to come.  These are the goodies that will be making their way to our house this year (some will be from grandparents and some from us).  Kidkraft Vintage kitchen.  We received a hand me down kitchen that we have been keeping on the screened in porch and she loves to play with it and I can only imagine the older she gets she will play with it even more.  And while I really, really appreciate the hand me down… it is a little beat up and we will probably keep it outside, so Collins still needs an indoor kitchen. Pottery ...

Our long holiday weekend.

A little behind here in blog world (thank you to my bestie Mags for pointing that out!). But, our power cord bit the dust, so haven't been able to use computer lately. Anyways, back today for an overdue recap of our wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We began Thanksgiving celebrations on Wednesday night with my family.  We switch back and forth doing Wednesday night and Thursday day every year...I do love a night time celebration though.  I didn't take but ONE pictures the whole evening which makes me really sad.  It was a GREAT grandparents came and we had the best time catching up, eating TOO much and being INCREDIBLY thankful for all that God has provided us. Our little Matilda Jane girls:) On Thursday we slept in and enjoyed the morning by the fire, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade.  Little C got into it this year and LOVED dancing along.   It was such a peaceful morning. We headed over to Mikey's dad's for lun...

{our weekend}

Another laid back weekend in the books.  Time is just a FLYING by…I swear we were JUST celebrating Halloween yesterday.    We started out the weekend with supper club…and invited the kids this timeJ  So…it was a little more hectic than normal and we left by  9:45  but we still had a wonderful time with our friends.  I love our supper club b/c it is so laid back and easy.  I wish I would have taken some pictures…we had four little girls running around playing and one itty bitty baby girl….when oh when will we have more boys?!  Out of our supper club (9 couples and 9 kids) we only have TWO little boys.  Nuts.  It’s a girls world around our friends, for sure.    Saturday morning  we got up early to head out for some family pictures.  And LORDY mercy…my child will NOT smile when someone wants her to, does anyone else have this problem?  Drives me nuts.  She may have smiled in like 4 out of 400 pictures...

The Friday Five: thanksgiving edition

The Friday Five: Thanksgiving edition.  Let’s be honest…I will NOT be posting next Friday…as this year we will be getting ready to have a throw down to celebrate my awesome daddy’s SIXTIETH birthday!!!  So, today’s edition of The Friday Five will focus on one of my favorite holidays.    1.       I absolutely LOVE Thanksgiving.  For me, it is just so relaxing and “warm.”  *I obviously LOVE Christmas too, but Thanksgiving is just so easy.*  No holiday stress, no worry about getting all the gifts bought ( I do LOVE buying gifts for others, but you know what I mean…)…just a laid back holiday to enjoy your loved ones and take some time to be THANKFUL.  We all   could use some more of that in our life, right?   2.         Thanksgiving to me includes the following foods:  turkey, giblet gravy, dressing, sweet potato soufflé, rice and butter beans, mac and cheese, and may...

{our weekend}

This past weekend we finally got back out to another CAROLINA game and I couldn't have been happier. All of our friends came out too and we had a super fun day/night of tailgating. We are all that stage of life now where we are trying to choose a few games a year where everyone gets babysitters so we can enjoy ourselves!! Collins is definitely not at the age this year where taking her to a game would be easy. Carolina played like total crap and barely got a win, it was just so painful to watch. But, we pulled it out and got the W. whew!  Most of my favorite ladies in one place makes me extremely happy! Game time!  On Sunday we hosted a sweet baby shower for our best friend and her little girl who is due to arrive in February! We cannot wait to meet miss piper grace:-). Only pic I have right now was stolen from the momma to be's Instagram. Love these girls .  We spent lots of time Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon playing with our boo. New favorite thing is airplane wi...

How I do fall around the house.

I don't really go overboard by any means with my fall decorations...I just like to add enough "festiveness" to get in the spirit of the season.  I didn't buy anything new this year...(one day I'll stop spending all of my money on my child....) but till then, what I have will have to do:-)  Anyways, as evident by the below pictures this ain't no southern living spread, but makes me happy. This is our breakfast room, so the table we eat at all the time.  I'm still debating whether I'll do a table setting on it during Christmas, but for now I wanted it simple.  So a few pumpkins and gourds was all it got. This is the console table in our foyer, I cannot WAIT to get some new buffet lamps (or maybe just ONE big statement lamp) and some frames to do a series of botanicals instead of the mirror...but that will all come in time.  For now I added some fun fall flair. And the dining room...this room is right as you walk into o...