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Showing posts from April, 2012


Collins has officially been introduced to the world:) just about 75 of our closest family and friends. A little late, but better late than never, right?!? It took me a tad longer than anticipated to choose the photos...address the know stuff like that. But, is our baby girl's announcement...designed by the lovely Erica with Billingsley Designs , yep she's multi talented...she took the photos AND designed the announcements! I LOVE them:)

2 months.

Our baby girl turned two months old on April 17! Can't believe it.  TWO months:   Weight : 10.4 pounds/22%  Height: debatable. See, the nurse said she was 23 inches long, which would make her in the 74% for height...and there is just NO way. Mikey said it was definitely off because the paper was bunched up where she measured. Well Collins' bff Mary Brooks, who is just a few days older than she is measured at 23 and a quarter (or close to it) and I just KNOW that Collins HAS to be much shorter than Mary Brooks because their weight was very similar and Collins looks WAY chunkier than Mary Brooks!! So, Mikey and I did our own measuring when we got home and got 21.5 inches. So...maybe we will go with 22? Who knows!   Likes: tummy time, watching her mobile, her play mat on her back, she loves looking at things now.  She smiles a LOT now and it is so sweet:) Dislikes :  being hungry, ha!  This is about the only time she gets angry/cries if ...

How can I choose just ONE?

Collins' newborn photos are just beautiful (biased mama moment) and I have my friend Erica to thank! Erica is an assistant photographer with Tomme Hilton Gallery and she spent TWO morning with us getting wonderful pictures of our girl! *Two* mornings because our sweet, innocent, precious baby (hehe) decided to POOP/PEE all over my curtains (we used them as props) as soon as we took her diaper off (it's came out!) and was just not wanting to cooperate during the first session, we couldn't get her to stay asleep once we started moving her around. So Erica graciously offered to come back a second time and things went MUCH better! We kept a heater aimed on her and she slept the whole time.  Thank goodness!  I am so thankful for Erica doing that...we have so many pictures of Collins that we love and will cherish forever.  It was so hard deciding which ones to use for her birth announcement, thankfully Erica let us use several:) So in typical Caroline fashion.....

Wardrobe Wants.

Another case of the wants. But, most of this stuff is actually not that bad price wise so maybe I will be able to make most of them mine:) Simple cotton dresses are by far my FAVORITE go to outfit during spring and summer.  There is just something so easy about throwing one on.  It feels dressy and casual at the same time.  I wear my dresses to death during the summer...good investments, kinda like the "golf card" ....right Mikey ?!?  ;) Gap cotton crew neck Gap striped dress Jack Rogers mid wedge...such classics but I love the wedge.  I never got any Jacks before because I don't like flat sandals, but I do love this height.  Perfect accessory for those summer dresses. Piperlime (above) and Old Navy (below)  LOVE both of these maxis! ....and saving the BEST for last...I literally gasped out loud when I saw this beauty!  I am in major l-o-v-e with this bag (hint hint husband...I do believe there is a FIRST mother's day coming...

Weigh in Wednesday.'s back. If anyone read back may remember I tried to do this a LONG time ago. Well, like most things I try and do, I ummmm....didn't stick with it. Doesn't say much for me, does it?? BAD with discipline! Can't help it. Anyways...I'm trying to get SERIOUS about losing weight now. I pretty much gave myself a free pass the 8 weeks of maternity leave. I just wasn't quite ready to start dieting. And my SWEET tooth...holy moly it's intense. Now that I am back at work I feel like I can be MUCH more disciplined about eating the working out, that's another story. I have a few times, but I'm still trying to figure out this whole waking up in the morning, getting myself ready, nursing, etc. and getting to work on time. *Thank GOODNESS Collins has been sleeping consistently from about 9 or 9:30 pm until 6-7 am.* That definitely helps a TON but I still can't decide whether to wake her up to feed her to keep her o...


I am so very thankful for my mama. Seriously. Because...even though I don't get to do this with my sweet girl during the week anymore....(cuddling on the couch if you can't tell from the awkward picture angle) I know she is in the BEST, most LOVING hands she can be in right now apart from her mama or daddy:) My mom retired last year and wasn't quite ready to, but because she is a teacher and did some state retirement thing, it was her time. So this past year she has been doing long term subs for maternity leaves, etc. My mom LOVES her grandchildren and would do anything in the world for her children (for a while anyways!) but she is not the type of grandma who could stay home all day every day with her grandchildren. She is way too active and on the go and my parents like to go out of town way too much!! Especially in the summer. So, I am extremely grateful that she is keeping Collins for us until she starts childcare at church at the end of July. It has made go...

8 weeks.

I cannot believe my sweet girl is EIGHT weeks old today. This is such a bittersweet milestone for me, I am so happy because she is such a good baby and I love that she is smiling at us a good bit now, it makes my heart melt...BUT I am SAD because her 8 week mark also means mama has to go back to work. YUCK. Anyways, I've been wanting to write out what all the little one has been up to so I won't forget. Thank the LORD our girl has been sleeping 8 -9 hours a night for over two weeks now!! *with one or two exceptions * I in NO way think this is it, I know babies go thru LOTS of different stages and I am sure there will be a time in our very near future where she will start waking up in the middle of the night...but let me just celebrate this victory for now. She generally goes to bed anywhere between 9:30 and 10 and sleeps anywhere from 5:30 to 7!! I pray she keeps this schedule up for a bit though so I can get adjusted to going back to work...b/c I am sure once I do get ...

Spring Break 2k12

Who would have ever thought I would get a "spring break" at 28 years old?!? Well...I did, kind of. My mom is still doing some long term sub positions at school so she was on spring break and since I am still on maternity leave, we took off for Beaufort for the week. It was absolutely wonderful! We took my niece Belle with us and had a wonderful girls week! My friend Angela and her adorable daughter Mary Mac joined us along with Angela's mom and my mom's best friend Mrs. Harriett for a few days. It was so nice to spend the week relaxing in the low country. We shopped, ate, went to the park, the beach, read, rocked on the porch, talked, dyed easter eggs, had an egg hunt, rode bikes and went on long walks. It was just perfect! Miss Collins had lots of "firsts" down there: first time on the dock at Village Creek (our creek where we keep our boat at our house) her Granddaddy has waited a LONG time for this! First trip to the beach...even though she stay...

Easter 2012

This Easter was so special for the Glenn family. My mom and I spent the week in Beaufort, for "spring break" (more on that later) with friends and Mikey and my dad joined us for the weekend. Easter Sunday was Collins' first church appearance and she did wonderful! She slept like an angel the whole time:) She woke up one time when the hand bells got really loud and she looked a bit confused, but went right back to snoozing peacefully. We got married in Beaufort, Sc even though we live in we went to the church where we got married for Easter which was really special. We try and visit there when we go to Beaufort but have actually spent Easter Sunday there the past three years now. My brother and his wife celebrate Easter with her family, so it was just the four of us and Collins on Sunday. We had a beautiful service at church and then came back to the house and prepared Easter lunch. Easter lunch is one of my favorite holiday lunches, (just behind tha...