Collins Richardson Glenn arrived on Friday February 17, 2012 at 1:31 pm, weighing 6 lb and 12 oz and 19.5 inches! Our first picture as a family of three. Hard to describe how incredibly happy this makes me. What a wirlwind that week was. Sweet girls due date was not until March needless to say, I was not mentally prepared to have a baby yet. Between my 36 and 37 weeks, I started to have high blood pressure at my appointments. I would go in more frequently just for them to check my BP to see what it was doing. It was really high on Wed February 8, but then I went back on Friday February 10 and it was normal. So I went about my business with instructions from my doctor to just TAKE IT EASY. Well, easier said than done. Anyways, I went back to see my doctor on Monday February 13 and it was high again and at that time he wanted me to go ahead and stop working. I really didn't want to do that yet...and my job at this point was really low stress and I could literally just sit i...