and GO READ THIS BOOK. It is simply. amazing. I finished it so quick, because I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. If you have best friends, a best friend, whatever, you will LOVE and appreciate this story. There are so many elements to a relationship with your best girl friend and this book hammers them all perfectly. You laugh out loud and sob quietly (in the backseat on the way home from a road trip so your husband doesn't make fun of you) if you are anything like me! I read all the time, and have read many books but this is definitely now in my top five! case you were wondering, my current TOP FIVE most favorite reads ever: (not in order, that may take too much thought) 1. Firefly Lane 2. The Help 3. Beach Music 4. Prince of Tides 5. My Sister's Keeper/The DaVinci Code/Angels and Demons (okay, there may be a tie for number five, even though they weren't supposed to be in order=) ). These last three are hard to pick between... I need to re-read Beach Music and Prince ...