So, I think I am having a little end of season depression. Ha! I know that sounds silly...but I HATE Jan and Feb and most of March. I just think those months are SO boring, normally cold, dreary, nothing to do...etc. I kinda need a teeny break from the constant go of our lives, but after a weekend or so...I will be roaring to go! I LOVE how busy we are during the holidays, it can be exhausting...but I thrive off of it! I love all the parties to attend, spending extra time with friends and is just so fun. We are heading to the mountains this weekend with a big group, so that will be fun....but then it's just kinda like....blah. *actually, no it isn't...i keep forgetting we are going to Mexico in January...for some reason I am having a hard time getting excited about this trip. Call me crazy...Mikey is a Chamber of Commerce rep. for his bank, and we are going for free with a bunch of other people...I know we will have a good time, but I'm just not "t...