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Showing posts from September, 2016

Weekend rewind

Whew….finally a minute to catch my breath. I had a long 12 hour work day yesterday which included 5 hours in the car and 3.5 hours in court, kicked my booty!  I SKIPPED the embarrassing debate and went to bed EARLY last night.  Much needed. We had a great weekend….it was actually pretty low key, you know we don’t have many of those.  We did NOTHING  Friday night  and it felt amazing.  Spent some good, quality time with the kids and got in bed at reasonable times!   Saturday morning /early afternoon was our only “busy” time of the weekend.  Our town had a festival and Collins rode in the parade that morning…and man, was it HOT!!!  I don’t think the weather realized it was “fall.”  We watched the parade and then enjoyed a few rides at the festival before heading to a birthday party.  We were back home by  2:30  and EVERYONE slept after that!  I love when I can nap:-)  We hung out with friends  Saturd...

The Friday five: short and sweet

1.        We hosted a casual sip and see/girl’s night last night for my best friend, Becca and her baby boy, Finn.  A nice little “during the week” get together with my girls, those are becoming more and more less frequent these days.  It’s so nice to have a few hours spending time with some of my favorite ladies😊     2.       My boys are growing up before my eyes and it’s basically killing me slowly.  I seriously cannot handle them getting so big.  It’s like I know in my head that being done with having kids is the best choice, but MY HEART CANNOT GET ON BOARD.   I want my baby boys to STAY babies, darn it. Look how cute they are at preschool, makes my heart melt.      3.       And my little “mini mama” is turning into a big girl WAY too fast for me, as well.  She doesn’t want to wear “baby panties” anymore (anything with princesses, cartoons, etc...

Weekend rewind

Another weekend come and gone, way too fast.  I’d like to take a minute to give a big, huge shout out to single mama’s/daddies and spouses who have a spouse that works all the time and can’t help much.  WHEW.  I was pretty much EXHAUSTED by the time Sunday rolled around after handling ALL of the kid duties since  Thursday morning .  I gave baths and brushed teeth before naps Sunday (b/c they needed it) and I was DONE after all that and took myself a nap too!  Bathing, dressing, assembly line teeth brushing, getting into the car, etc. it’s all so tiring!  Collins can obviously do a lot herself, but still….SO much wrangling/dealing with toddlers…goodness, it is NOT a job for the weak!  We did have a great weekend though, regardless.  We did NOTHING  Friday night , which was nice.  Colls and I (I let her sleep with me since daddy was gone) were in bed by 9 and I was asleep not long after.  We had errands and birthday parties to at...

the FRIYAY five

It’s FRIYAY!!!   1.       I’m looking forward to a rare weekend at home with no big plans…well, unless you count two birthday parties as big plans😊Mikey’s off on a guy’s golf weekend, so it’s my turn to wrangle the munchkins for a couple days. We plan to play, get some errands/chores/organization accomplished, watch our gamecocks (no matter how bad it is) and celebrate two sweet friends’ birthdays.  I’m definitely starting to ITCH to be back in our OWN space, but I’m making do for now.  It’s just hard to find places for all the random items (bookbags, etc.)  when you are completely invading someone else’s space.  And I have NO clue where I am going to put all of our fall clothes…remember, I said we were staying here until the end of October….so another month and a half before we make a move.  Even though we don’t know where that move will be….      2.       My sweet girl is back in dance agai...

weekend rewind

My last beach weekend of summer, say it ain’t so.  What a FABULOUS way to wind down my favorite season of all.  I spent the weekend in beautiful Charleston with 14 of my best girls at our ZTA beach weekend.  We go from dance parties to heartfelt conversations, to parenting tips to EVERYTHING in between.  This group of girls is near and dear to my heart and it means so much that we set aside one weekend a year for all 14 of us to get together.     Mikey took the kids to his moms for the weekend and I know all parties enjoyed it.  Love getting pics of my sweet kiddos while away…and thank LORD for facetime! Cheers to another week!! Xoxo        

the rest of our beach vacation

      Everyone else left by  Tuesday afternoon , so it was just the five of us for the rest of the week.  We were equal parts lazy and busy!  Does that make sense??  We had plenty of rest and relaxation time on this trip, which was glorious.  But, we did jam a lot of fun into the last couple of days.  We visited Family Kingdom and let the kids ride a few rides and went out to eat Thursday and  Friday night .  We walked on the pier and played games at the arcade.  So many of these activities are reminiscent of my childhood and I love that my kids got to experience them too.  We had eight wonderful nights together taking a break from the real world and loving on our babies.  Even though, as we know….the real world never really goes away (ear infections, tantrums, etc.) and taking three young children to the beach is hard work, it was SO worth it.  A week I’ll always remember.    

Labor Day weekend rewind

We had the BEST long weekend, with not even a little bit of laboring!  Seriously, we had such a good time in the low country.  We had a couple weekends this summer with weather that wasn’t all that great when we were visiting Beaufort, but this weekend the weather was absolutely perfect.  It wasn’t blazing hot, but warm and wonderful with  just  the right amount of wind. It was just the five of us and my parents for the first of the weekend and then my Aunt came  Sunday morning .  As is the norm when we head to Village Creek (what we call our house in Beaufort)….we had no schedules or agendas.  We let the kids stay up late playing with their grandparents, we took golf cart rides to see the horses, we fished, we napped, we rocked on the porch, we watched a movie and went to bed early.  The kids colored, played in the pool and the playground and we spent lots of time soaking up the beautiful weather on the boat and the beach.    ...

The Friday five : random tidbits

1.       So it’s monsooning (is that a word?) here.  Supposed to rain ALL day long.  Everyone’s freakin’ out a tad b/c of what happened last year with the flood…hopefully it’s not going to be nearly that bad.  We are supposed to be leaving for Beaufort for the holiday weekend after work…let’s just pray this mess clears out tonight.  But, it did remind me I need to get the kids some new rain jackets.      2.       My Gamecocks pulled off a WIN last night, it wasn’t pretty and good gracious it’s still gonna be a long season….but I’m proud of them for not giving up!  Hopefully, it’ll be a good confidence booster and help out team morale!       3.       We’ve decided to wait it out a couple more months with Mikey’s dad before moving in the apartment…we’ve kinda got our eye on a house….but it’s complicated.  So, we are waiting it out a bit.  It’s re...

school days

All three of my babies started preschool today! I can't believe it. Collins will be going five days a week, half day and the boys are going two days a week, half day. We absolutely LOVE their preschool and I pray my babies have a fabulous year!  Meet the teacher day  First day!