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Showing posts from 2012

Capturing Christmas Part 2: a tree and lights.

We don't have any grand tradition of going somewhere to cut down a tree or making a day out of it or anything like that...but we did snap some pics of us getting our tree this year. We always buy from a local tree farmer...and this year we bought from the guy who my family has used for forever. I loved our tree this year, it was the perfect size. Colls Bolls and her daddy. I was trying to show off  her cute outfit:-)  It was cheerleading precious. Our tree! We went to the Zoo one Friday night for the Lights Before Christmas event.  Mikey and I have gone to this event a few times before, but this year was obviously much better!  We didn't use our stroller so C could really get a good look at all the lights...we just took turns carrying her.  It's a good thing she's a peanut.  She was amazed for the most part...she really enjoys people watching too...especially little kids and there were TONS there.  She also got her SECOND exper...

Capturing Christmas Part 1: PJ's with Santa

The Columbia Junior League hosts a PJ's with Santa event on a Friday night during the Holiday Market every year, so we purchased some super cute Christmas PJ's and went to see SANTA!!! It was a LOT chaotic, and probably not worth the money we paid to attend (considering you can go to the mall for free...but it's for a good cause, right!?!) but it was one for the memory books! Of course, sweet Collins did NOT like the JOLLY old man, but hey...what do you expect? I NEVER liked Santa...and it's way cuter to get a screaming/crying child picture with Santa, right? They  had coloring stations, hot chocolate stations, a big movie watching area playing The Polar Express and a gym area set up for the is definitely something I will take her back to when she can really enjoy it! With C's best friends:-) there goes the lip.... Not so sure about this... Get me off this dude. I mean, for real mom? Hopefully it won't take TOO long to catch up ...

A dressing party!?!

Had to post these pictures as this is becoming one of my favorite holiday traditions during thanksgiving. Before I cared much about who cooked the dressing, two of mom's best friends started throwing a "dressing" party. One of their mom's had passed and the duty of making the delicious carb loaded goodness that is a thanksgiving staple suddenly fell to her. Both of their mom's made their dressings similarly so they decided to start making theirs together and what better way to do that than to throw a PARTY!? I'm not sure exactly how long they've been doing this (I think between 10 and 15 years) but I've started to join them in the past few years and I just love it. It's such a festive evening, held the Tuesday before thanksgiving. There's yummy food, good wine, and wonderful conversations had. You may even get some of that wine tossed in your dressing! We all get our own bowls and just start mixing away; cornbread, muffins, celery, onions, sp...

Challenge and feelings.

Although I typically don't venture into anything too hardcore on this little blog...I really felt the need to document some of my feelings lately. Mikey and I are absolutely LOVING our new church.  I have always been a Christian, but the way I feel now has me questioning what that really meant before.  It's just something that our new Pastor does for us.  He is inspiring, challenging, and genuine.  I've never been so moved during church as I have since coming to our new one.  He makes me want to engage myself and be a better Christian on a daily basis.  He CHALLENGES us to do more, act more, and love more for Jesus.  It is so empowering.  I feel connected during EVERY single sermon and it's such an amazing feeling.  We are looking forward to becoming more involved and challenging ourselves to live our lives with purpose. And I, of course, have to mention the most recent school shooting.  I am absolutely heartbroken and devastated for...

Merry Christmas from the Glenn fam

I still can't believe it's almost Christmas. I'm not quite "there" yet. It just comes so fast and of course by the time I'm really ready for it, it'll be over. Maybe this weekend will help. Tonight is our 8th annual girls Christmas party. Or better known as "get drunk and steal presents" Ah. Good times with my favorite girls. I can't wait. Tomorrow night, Mikey and I are hosting a little shindig of our own. Should be a good time and will help me get in the holiday spirit. Until next time....

Lately, from my phone.

Just cleaning out my phone. Some of these pictures may have already debuted on the blog...but just wanted to do a large photo dump of my little munchkin and what she's been into lately. Around the house over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mary Mac Hood's 2nd birthday party!  How sweet is this? Trying to get 3 babies and a toddler to be in the same picture = CHAOS. She looks like she is concentrating on something...probably all those leaves she likes to put in her mouth! Serious face. LOVED going down the slide! Just chillin' in the sink before bath time. Bath. Playin' in mama's drawers. Night night time. Mid wave. Enjoying the beautiful weather we have had lately.  Even though it is SUPPOSED to be cold, I guess it is nice to enjoy the outdoors. xoxo.

The Friday Five.

1. The apparent suicide of the nurse in London is absolutely heartbreaking.  I am so sad that she felt she had to take her own life after that.  2. It's CHILLY outside today.  YAY!!  I know, y'all probably think I am crazy getting excited about the cold weather when all I do is talk about how much I love SUMMER.  But, when I finally get ready for winter...I am ready.   And by ready, I don't mean enjoying 70 degree days.  I like it to be cold when it is supposed to be cold and in my mind it is supposed to be cold in December.  So, come on mother nature...cooperate! 3. I think we may take Collins to the zoo tonight to enjoy the LIGHTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!  Mikey and I went to this several times PRE Collins so you can only imagine my excitement to take her.  4.  I have a major confession.  I have ONLY bought ONE Christmas gift so far.  WHAT is wrong with me?  I am always kind of last minute like that.  It's c...

Party OVER.

So, it's time to get to crackin'.  For reals.  I am done breastfeeding.  I am going to admit, I have more guilt/sadness about it then I would have ever anticipated.  I don't know why really...going into this whole thing I had no expectations or anticipations but now I feel a little sad and a little guilty to be done.  But, it's okay and it's time.  I breastfed/pumped exclusively for FIVE months.  I am PROUD of that.  Proud that I could do that with only being out for 8 weeks on maternity leave.  She started getting a little formula at five months and I kept on pumpin' for a while.  I quit pumping for GOOD somewhere between month 6 and 7 and continued to breastfeed twice a the morning and at night.  I did that routine up until Thanksgiving when I went down to mornings only.  Yesterday, I had to leave REALLY early and didn't want to wake C up to nurse her, so I didn't.  And haven't done so since.  It hasn't eve...

BOO at the ZOO.

Yep. That would be yours truly blogging about a Halloween activity in December. Sheesh! What is wrong with me? But, you know...for that "one day" when I want to print my blog as a book...I CANNOT MISS AN EVENT AS BIG AS THIS! DUH. Seriously though...Boo at the Zoo was amaze. Yeah, yeah...probably more for the parents than the babes...but it's cool. I enjoyed myself. And it was an excuse to use that Halloween costume one more time. We met up with friends to walk around the Sunday before Halloween and it was PACKED. But, our zoo is pretty awesome and it was still an amazing event. They had a DJ and dance area for fun songs like "the monster mash," they had trick or treat stations set up all throughout the zoo, the carousel and train rides working, a smores' station, and lots more. This will definitely be added to our list of things to do during Halloween. For sure. Now on to the picture overload. *I forgot to safety pin her hat/ears this night...