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Takeover Tuesday

Surprise Caro, guess who hacked into your blog! I know what you are saying to yourself...I can’t believe it’s taken this long for me to mess with you on here. For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, this obviously is not your sweet Caroline, this is her wonderful, sarcastic, fun loving, baby daddy (or is it babies’ daddy now?), also known as her husband.

(Caro at her finest, throwing me a great 25th birthday celebration)

Where do I begin…. I guess we can talk about how this marital bliss came to be before we talk about the author of this blog and how amazing she. Caroline has been the love of my life for as long as I can remember, we were actually first grade boyfriend and girlfriend if you can believe it. After first grade, there was the great divide, as both of us went to different schools the following year. Finally, after 10 agonizing, lonely years we were reunited at a house party our senior year in high school. I, naturally, had always kept an eye on her throughout the years, but this was my opportunity to remind her of the profound impact I had on her during those laps around the skating rink in first grade. Luckily, she remembered, and after a couple years of flirting on the ole instant messenger (yes that’s a late 90’s early 2000’s reference), seeing each other at parties, and sneaking in a few kisses here and there, we both knew we had something special. We never officially dated over the next two years, but there was always a fire, whenever one of us would walk into a party, we almost immediately always caught the other’s eye. Eventually (March 26, 2003 to be exact), during an awkward conversation in south tower (caroline’s dorm), I asked the big question, being the sweet talker that I am I believe it came out like this: “so what’s the deal between us, are we dating or what?”(Smooth I know). At that point, we made it official, not facebook official, but only because that didn’t become popular until the following year. From that moment on, we’ve basically been inseparable, there was one break in there for a couple months, my fault, and it was the toughest couple of months of my life, I thought I had lost the most important, most beautiful person to ever come into my life. Luckily she gave me another shot, and well the rest is history (dating, marriage, yada yada yada). She still gives me hell for not crying when she came down the aisle, but to me, she had always been the one I was going to marry, the one who I had always envisioned sharing a life with. So I guess my emotions were in check, as I had always known that one day she would be walking down the aisle in my direction, but her beauty that day, as it has been everyday, was second to no one.

Then there was the day Caroline sat me down at our old house and said “Mikey, I have something to tell you,” this was about 6 months after our wedding and I had no idea what was about to come out of her mouth. That’s when she dropped the bomb on me, “I’ve been blogging.” Wait, I’m sorry, you’ve been what? How did you meet him? Oh, you mean you’ve been writing online, that’s cute. She somehow thought I would make fun of her; apparently I do that a lot. But over the last couple weeks I’ve been going through her blog history, I love them, watching how our lives have changed so dramatically, detailed memories forever (assuming blogspot pays its bills on time).

The night we got engaged, after 5 and a half years of dating - note to you youngsters, dont rush into things

Over the last 2 years, our family has grown by one beautiful little girl, and with 2 boys on the way, I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us (no more kids though, that’s a guarantee). Caroline has been such an amazing mom, better than I could ever have envisioned. I always knew she would be a great mom; she was a natural around kids before we had one of our own, but she has really taken it next level. I would be absolutely lost without her, as a parent and as an individual. I can’t go a weekend without her parental guidance, and I can say that she is 100% the reason why Collins is such a good sleeper; she had that schedule and kept to it. The new additions to our family are going to be a challenge, but I know Caroline, and she won’t let it phase her one bit (she may blog less though, so be warned), but she will continue to be an amazing mother, and raise these two boys into wonderful young men. I in turn, will just continue to follow her lead, and do the best I can to be half the parent she is, if I can do that, our family will be more than alright.

My precious angels sleeping the day away

Caroline, I just want you, and the world to know just how proud I am of you, for being the perfect wife and an even better mother. Thanks for putting up with all of my smart comments, loving me, and making our family beautiful. Know that your smile, and your happiness mean the world to me, and no matter what is going on in my life, or my day, all I need to do is think of that smile and know that everything is going to be alright.

Was going to caption with "the good ole days,"  But with this beauty, every day is a good day

Well thanks for letting me ramble about how Caroline has made me the happiest guy in the world for the last 11+ years (officially). I know she gets tired of my jokes, and nicknames (currently Dubs for Double Oven – get it, she’s baking two kids right now? my sense of humor isn’t for everyone), but my love for her grows by the minute (like those boys in her stomach). I find it impossible to believe that anyone loves their spouse like I love mine, but in full disclosure I am partially bias. She’s been an absolute trooper with this second pregnancy, she actually makes it look easy, but then again, she is a natural at almost everything she does, except balancing a checkbook. But if that’s her one downfall, I think I’ll be just fine, we will be just fine.

Cheers everyone, and Caro I fully expect you to change your password in 0.38 seconds.


  1. My gracious. What an amazing tribute. Hubby, you have a way with words, and you two are so lucky to have each other! Cheers to your love and your growing family! Beautifully written!

  2. oh my gosh, that is so sweet! I think she has a keeper! ;)


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